Chapter 22- Words Fly

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Short chapter /:


Brittany gets back in Cameron's car with 2 full suitcases, still pissed. Cameron drives off and continues the silence a little more until he dared to break it.

Cameron: What's the matter?

Brittany: you never answered me, Cameron!

Cameron: What? About me having doubt about us?!

Brittany: Duh!

Cameron: *pulls up in front of his house* Brittany, what am I supposed to say?!

Brittany: That you love me! And no mother or sister will put any doubt in your head about me!

Cameron: Brittany! They're my family.... Wouldn't you have a little doubt if Selena told you she didn't have a good feeling about me?!

Brittany: Not unless she had any proof that made her think that in the first place! Which your mom and sister have no reason not to like me other than the fact they just want Madison to be with you!

Cameron: Whatever. Just please calm down. We'll work this out. *places his hand gently on top of hers*

Brittany whips her hand away and gets out of the car, with her bags of belongings with her. Cameron follows her, opening the door. Brittany's greeted by his mom.

Mom: You got clothes?

Brittany points to her bag she's holding.

Mom: I'll show you the guest room. *she says with no emotion*

Brittany follows his mom to the guest room upstairs. When they get in the room she's presented with a small twin bed with blue sheets. The walls are painted the same color as the sheets on the bed which is also a baby blue, not to mention.

Mom: *shuts the door behind Brittany* Please sit.

Brittany: *does as told and sits on the bed* Yes?

Mom: Now, when you and Cameron were gone, I was thinking back to dinner and let me just say, I'm sorry. Okay? I had a horrible day at work and just wasn't happy to see that you weren't the girl I told Cameron I wanted him to be with.

Brittany: With all due respects, but you can't choose who Cameron ends up with. He loves who he wants. And ever since dinner, you managed to put some doubt in Cam's mind about me. So thanks! So no, I'm sorry, I can't forgive you right at this moment. *she says sarcastically* And yeah, thanks for this room but I'll leave tomorrow.

Mom: I don't understand you. You think you're going to have the hotel to go back to? No, I'm making sure Cameron cancels that rooms because he can spend that money on something way better than something that's for you! *Starts to raise her voice*

And with that, she slams the door behind her leaving Brittany heated. Moments later, Cameron peeks his head in the door.

Cameron: *walks in* please ignore her.

Brittany: IGNORE HER?! I'm sorry Cameron, but I have never met a more rude mom to her own sons girlfriend! I don't feel comfortable here! I don't even feel welcome at all. *Grabs her bags again and stands up* I need to go.

Cameron: *stops her from walking out the door behind him* Where are you going? It's 1 in the morning...

Brittany: Selena's

Cameron: Whatever. Text me in the morning?

Brittany: Maybe. Goodnight Cam.

Cameron goes to give her kiss but she pushes him back and just passes by him. She goes out of the house and sits on the curb in front of the house waiting for Selena and Shawn to pull up. 5 minutes later they finally arrive and Brittany gets in their car and they're off. Meanwhile, Cameron watches as the drive away.

Mom: Cam? Where is she going?

Cameron: To her friend's

Mom: Why? I made the fricken bed for her. Ungrateful brat.

Cameron: Mom! She's not ungrateful for being uncomfortable! You were so rude to her! She's the one I love! Shouldn't you have respected that?!

Mom: Goodnight Cameron. *totally ignores him and walks upstairs to her room*

Cameron punches the wall and begins to tear up realizing that he might be losing his love for her. He pulls out his phone and tweets,

"I'm an idiot.... But whatever, I guess my words won't change anything at this point"

Fans instantly retweet, favorite and reply with dramatic tweets. He then opens up his text messages and makes a new text.

"To: Madison

Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?"

She replies almost instantly.

"From: Madison

If that's code for asking me out, then definetly yes! Pick me up at noon? ;)"

He replies with a "sure".


What the hell am I doing?

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