Chapter 13- When Things Seem Bad

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Brittany storms off crying down the hallway to Taylor and Selena's room, she knocks silently on the door and waits for Selena to open the door. She finally opens up and Brittany immediately hugs her, still in tears.

Selena: *naturally hugs her back* What's wrong?! What happened?!

Brittany: I overheard Cameron and Nash talking to eachother.... and Nash said, "You don't really love her, I know about Madison!"

Selena: Who the hell is, Madison?! *she makes air quotes*

Brittany: *still cries* I don't know..... what am I going to do?! I thought me and Cameron were going to start fresh since we made up! But no, another problem has to be picked up!

Selena: What are you going to do?

Brittany wipes her tears and thinks.

Brittany: Matt

Before Selena could say another word, Brittany turns away and heads down the hallway once again headstrong and barges right into Matt and Carter's room. She opens the door to find Matt in the bathroom looking at his phone and Carter asleep already. Matt is startled when he sees Brittany standing in the doorway looking upset, and in his eyes, really sexy by the way she's wearing black shorts and a pink crop top. He bites his lip as he walks closer to her. Without hesitation, Brittany jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kisses him. Matt holds onto her by squeezing her bottom as he kisses her back. He carries her to his bed without breaking the intense kiss and lays her on the bed and quickly gets on top of her and meets her soft lips once again. Brittany pushes him up a little.

Brittany: What about Carter? *she whispers nervously*

Matt: He has his headphones on still. *desperately finds his way back to her lips*

Brittany continues to go along with the act, but as she begins to realise what's happening as Matt stands above her and slips his shirt off slowly, revealing his 6- pack, Brittany rolls over out of his reach and stands up off the bed. Matt looks at her confused and a little pissed about being teased like that.

Matt: What now?!

Brittany: I'm sorry but this isn't right.

Matt: *grabs her wrist and sits her down on the edge of the bed with him* Brittany.... what do you not understand? I love you!

Brittany: Yeah, that's the problem, you say you love me, but how do I know for sure? Nash says he loves me, but how do I know you and him aren'tjust saying that to win me over instead so Cameron doesn't get me?

Matt: Because why would I be right here taking my shirt off ready to have sex with you if I didn't love you?!

Brittany: Because you're a guy! Guys like to use girls for that stuff, well I'm doing something with someone if I don't even know if they like me or not?!

Matt: Come on bae, just lay down. *tries to take off her shirt*

Brittany quickly stands up and wips her arm away from his grasp.

Brittany: No! Just... leave me alone for now.

Matt: For now?

Brittany: I'm confused still okay... just back off.

Matt: Whatever, but if Cameron breaks your heart.... AGAIN... I'll be waiting here with my shirt off whenever you need. *he smirks*

Brittany: *giggles and rolls her eyes* I know

Brittany kisses Matt's cheek and leaves the room. She walks back down the hallway with courage and knocks on Cameron's door. Nash opens it and looks up and down, scanning her body as he bites her lip. Brittany rolls her eyes and pushes him aside agressively.

Brittany: I need to talk to you Cameron.

Cameron: What's up my beautiful princess? *he smiles*

Brittany: Enough with the bulls*** Cameron! Nash get out.

Nash: This is my room too!

Brittany: I don't give a f***, get out for 10 fricken minutes. *She says pissed and sick of being pushed around*'

Nash finally leaves the room and says under his breath, "bi***". When Brittany hears the door finally click shut, she focuses her attention on Cameron sitting on the lounge chair in the corner of the room.

Cameron: What's wrong?

Brittany: Cameron... who's Madison?!

Cameron: *becomes upset and defensive* She's a new and upcoming singer and model that I have a photoshoot with tomorrow.

Brittany: What kind of photoshoot? *she says suspicious*

Cameron: A somewhat sexy one.... But I have no intentions what so ever! I promise! It's just a photoshoot! We're just friends!

Brittany: Why didn't you just tell me?! Instead I had to find out by hearing Nash say something to you like you were cheating on me!

Cameron: I'm sorry! If you want, if it makes you feel any better, tomorrow, after Magcon, you can come with me to the photoshoot. *he says as he comfortingly, holds her hands*

Brittany: Okay, but if I don't agree with something... then what?!

Cameron: You can tell me or the photographer and we'll change the pose.

Brittany: What if it's one of those pissed off, all the time, photographers and will get mad at me for saying something.

Cameron: *sits back down on the lounge chair and pulls her onto his lap and wraps his ams around her stomach* It won't be, because he's my friend, Bryant Eslava.

Brittany: Oh him! I think I seen you talking about him on every one of your model pictures on Instagram.

Cameron: Yeah, so it's settled? You'll go with me and then we'll be okay?

Brittany: I guess...

Cameron: *kisses her cheek* good. Cause... I honestly love you.

Brittany: I.... love you too.

Cameron: Why hesitant?

Brittany: Because... right now I just want to cuddle and fall asleep.

Cameron: *sighs* whatever... for now. But you better explain later.

Cameron stands up with her and walks to the other side of the bed as she crawls in and covers herself up. He slips off his shirt and gets in the bed and turns his chest towards her back and wraps his arms around her side and holds her hand on the other side of her body. She smiles and kisses his hand as she holds onto it.

Brittany: *turns her head and looks back at him and smiles.* I love you


SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE!!!!!! I just have been working every single day and always back home at around 6! So I'm getting burned out. But anyways, just a little hint about where the story is going, let me just say, you would have never guessed what happens! I'll update again ASAP. :-*

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