Chapter 46- Scared

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I get in Cameron's car and we drive off to the grocery store. We had everyone in the house right down what they need... This list is 3 fricken pages long! Good thing we got money! Haha.

Cameron starts driving and places his hand on top of my upper thigh close to my "area" I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"I really like your outfit bae." He smiles but doesn't take his eyes off the road.

"Thanks bae!" I laugh at us.

I was wearing a baby pink cami with a white lace, see-through cami on top with white shorts and white flip flops. I loved that I could where flip flops everyday since it was California. Cameron turns on the radio and my favorite song was playing. It was "Young Blood" by Bea Miller. (AN: If you don't know that song, I suggest you listen to it right now. The words are perfect.) I begin singing along and Cameron just listens and smiles at me.

"We were making history, breaking rules and breaking free, questioning the writing on the wall. Coming from the underground, laughing as we're falling down, soaking in the glory of it all." I sing along and raise my voice a little when the chorus comes... My favorite part. I sing as good as I could. "But in dark times when we close our eyes, it's a nightmare, yes a nightmare. When the sun don't shine we lose our minds. But I swear we can get there..... WE GOT YOUNG BLOOD! CAN'T DESTROY US! We make our own luck in this world!"

I turn down the radio when I hear Cameron not saying anything... Just staring at me.


"You are amazing!!!!"

"At breathing? Yeah I know."

"No! At singing!" He laughs at my sarcasm.

I laugh with him but over exaggerate it to show him how crazy he's being.

"I fricken suck! You need your ears checked babe!"

"No you don't! You're amazing! I swear! Why don't you believe me?"

"I don't know..."

"Whatever. All I know is that you're showing that voice to Shawn!"

"Oh am I now?!" I say putting my hands on my hips, still sitting so it looks awkward.

"Yes. Yes you are." He smiles and kisses my cheek then refocuses himself on driving.

Whatever. It won't change anything. I guess I will. But I'm not good at all. When I sang when I was living with my mom, she told me I sounded like a horse being ran over multiple times. She said it so much I started believing it then stopped singing. To be honest, I really enjoyed singing. And still do. Only in the shower though now. And never in front of anyone.

We finally arrive at the grocery store and we both get out of the car and join hands. We grab a shopping cart in the lobby and enter the store.

- - -

We finish our shopping, and head to the register, after 2 hours of speeding through the aisles, one by one laughing and carrying on like children. We ended up filling two whole shopping carts which causes the bill to come to the whopping total of $253 in just food and other things we needed like toiletries, paper plates etc.

We drive off to the jail now. I was so scared. I was scared of finding out why she did it. I was scared of not finding out why. I was scared to see her. I was just scared.

We pull up to the jail and I think Cameron could sense the fear in me. He wraps his arm around me and we walk over to the front door. When we get in we step up to the front window where there's a lady sitting at the desk, behind bullet proof glass.

"Hello, I need to see Brenda Karper. She's my mom."

The lady nods and hands Cameron and I paperwork along with two name tags with our pictures on them. The pictures we had on our drivers license's.

We get a pat down to make sure we weren't bringing anything in. After the security guard gives the lady behind the desk the "ok", she presses the button to unlock the door. Cameron and I are escorted by a cop to the visiting area. I come around the corner and see my mom in a orange jump suit, handcuffed to the desk in front of her. She had the most pissed off face I've ever seen. She held the phone to herself by using her neck to pinch it in between her cheek and shoulder. I sit down on the chair on the other side of the strong class and indecisively pick up the phone on the wall next to me. Cam stands behind me and places his hands, comforting on my shoulders.

"You fuckin' did this to me you bitch! This is your fucking fault!" She yells at me with her teeth clenched together, through the phone as soon as the phone goes up to my ear.

"No mother, you did this to yourself! Now tell me, why the hell did you take away the only caring parent figure in my life away from me?!! What the hell did he ever do to you?!" I begin to cry. I was sick of crying but it came natural.

"He was preventing me from moving. I met a guy in Pennsylvania and needed to move there. You and your idiotic dad. You were next!" She admits and I immediately break down. I'm so glad Cam can't hear any of what she's saying because he'd probably smash the glass and beat the shit out of her.

I pick the phone back up so I can give her the last words she'll even hear from me.

"I hope you rot in here you sick bastard." I say as angrily and terrible as I could. I was done with her.

I slam the phone back on the wall to hang up and storm back to the front counter. Cameron struggling to keep up. They pat us down again to make sure we weren't leaving with anything then let us go. I run to Cameron's car and slam the door and collapse my head into my hands. I wanted to cry but I was done. I couldn't. I'm at peace with my dad now. Hopefully I can just move on from here.

Soon Cameron comes in the car and immediately reaches over the seat and hugs me.

"Where to now? Home?" I ask him.

"If you want. Is there somewhere else you want to go?"

"I was thinking that after we go back home and put the groceries away, we could go out for dinner or something."

"Sounds like a plan." And with that he kisses my cheek and starts driving.

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