Chapter 1- Call Me Cam

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Hello!!!!!!!!! :D Just wanted to let my new readers know who haven't read my stories before that when someone is speaking in a line, I will put these--->" * " around what the people are doing, like their actions, while they talk. :) Have fun reading :) Comment!

IMPORTANT: I WILL NOT CONTINUE THIS STUPID WRITING STRUCTURE THE WHOLE STORY. I CHANGE IT TO THE NORMAL STRUCTURE LESS THAN HALF WAY THROUGH THE BOOK. (btw, I'm writing this note from being further in the book so...) so please just don't give up on me.

Brittany: I am so excited!!!!!!!

Selena: I know! Calm down! You're causing a scene!

Brittany: Dude, It's THEE Cameron Dallas! I love him so much!

Selena: Yes I know...

Brittany:I love him as much as... *cut off by Selena*

Selena: ...As much as you love Pretty Little Liars, Dylan O' Brian, and cats. I know... I know!

Brittany: Geez, what's your problem?

Selena: It's just that I wish I would've gotten tickets. They sold out before I could get to them. *almost starts crying*

Brittany: *digs in her purse and pulls out 2 Magcon tickets* You mean like these?

Selena: OH MY GOSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Starts screaming in the middle of the school hallway and jumps up and down*

Brittany: You're going with me!!!!

Selena: Thank God! OMG! I am beyond happy! I'm gonna meet Taylor and Shawn!!!!!!!!!

Brittany: What about Nash, Cameron, and Matt?

Selena: Girl, you can have them! Shawn and Taylor are my baes!

Brittany: I didn't say I wanted Matt and Nash! I mostly want Cameron.

The schools bell rings and everyone comes out of classrooms and joins the rest of the crowd that got let out early. Selena grabs Brittany by the arm and pulls her towards the door. Once out of the school, they start walking home together and continue to freak out over the Magcon boys.... (as we all do!)... They two stop in front of their houses (they're neighbors) and Selena give Brittany one last hug and they both scream once more to let out their built- up, excitement.

Selena: See you tomorrow!

Brittany: Thank God it's a half day! We need to start getting ready for Saturday!

Selena: Can't wait!!!!!!!

The two both go inside. Brittany looks down on the kitchen counter. A note from her mom.


order a pizza the money is on the fridge. I should be home around 5. Love you.

XOXO, Mom"

Brittany sighs at the note at the thought, of her mother never being home, but shrugs it off and orders the pizza. After about 20 minutes, the pizza arrives. She pays the pizza delivery guy and gets the pizza on the coffee table in the living room and sits down on the couch in front of it, and turns on the TV. Teennick Top 20, comes on and "Mmm Yeah" by Austin Mahone comes on and it's exactly the video she wanted. It was the lyric video with Cameron and Nash in it. She sits anxiously and waits for Cameron to come on the screen. When he finally does she screams and jumps up and down almost choking on her pizza. Yeah, she's seen this video over 100 times but it never gets old! After Brittany finishes the pizza and puts it away, she heads up to her room and looks at the alarm clock next to her bed. It reads 7:30 and her mom still wasn't home. She rolls her eyes and texts her.

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