Chapter 21- Meeting the Dallas Family

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Cameron opens his eyes slightly and sees the sun light peeking through the blinds and Brittany sleeping next to him. He smiles and kisses her on the forehead and gets up slowly trying not to wake her. He slips on some new clothes he got at the store last night and walks down to the mini kitchen. He opens the fridge and finds it complete empty.

Cameron: Damn it! I forgot! *he says quietly to himself*

He grabs his keys and quickly heads to the store. When he gets there and starts shopping for groceries, he hears a girl squealing to herself behind him. He laughs and turns around and is immediately hugged.

Cameron: hello beautiful. How are you?

Fan: AMAZING! Oh my gosh I can't believe it's you!

Cameron: *laughs* How old are you and what's your name, gorgeous?

Fan: Natalie! I'm 18!

Cameron: Well Natalie, in guessing you want a picture right? *he smiles understandingly*

Natalie: OMG yes!

She grabs her phone out of her pocket shaking and trying to contain herself, but kinda failing, and finally takes the picture. Cameron then grabs the phone from her and kisses her cheek and takes the pic himself. When he hands back the phone, Natalie begins to tear up from all the excitement.

Natalie: Thank you so much Cameron! Sorry for bugging you! *tries to walk away*

Cameron: *grabs her hand* wait, what's your twitter?

Natalie: Oh! It's @rusher1703

Cameron: Cool *he smiles at her making her blush* tag me in the pics we took and I'll retweet them and follow you.

Natalie: okay! And Cameron, one more thing, I kind of have a question....

Cameron: Shoot

Natalie: *giggles* well I know how your dating Brittany and all but I was wondering if I could maybe meet her? She seems like a really fun person.

Cameron: oh, um, I actually don't know. Um, how about we can possibly meet up sometime soon?

Natalie: Omg yeah! That would be awesome! Where and when?

Cameron: how about tomorrow at the beach around noon?

Natalie: perfect!

Cameron: I'll DM you.

Natalie: Okay! *hugs him* tanks again.

Cameron: You're welcome beautiful. See you tomorrow *he smiles and continues shopping*

Meanwhile, Selena wakes up in Shawn's arms in her room. Her parents are out of town so her and Shawn have all the time in the world. She smiles at him sleeping. He looked so cute! She kisses him on the lips lightly and wraps her arm around him. He smiles as soon as he feels her lips and opens one eye.

Shawn: What are you doing cutie? *he responds in a sexy morning voice*

Selena: Just thinking

Shawn: About what?

Selena: Just about everything going on for me.

Shawn: What do you mean?

Selena: I know your sick of talking about it and it's only morning but Shawn, I want your hands on me! I want you to love me!

Shawn: My hands ARE on you right now and I do love you!

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