Chapter 18- Tonight I'm Fucking You

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WARNING!!!! THIS CHAPTER IS RATED R! Extremely detailed sexual scene. 😏


The volleyball game ends and Cameron's team wins. Brittany gets up off the sand and jumps into his arms and hugs him.

Brittany: *whispers in his ear* you were so sexy out there!

Cameron: Prove it

Brittany: *kisses his neck and runs her fingers through his hair* oh... I will

Shawn: Nice job man! *high fives him once he puts Brittany down*

Brittany and Selena watch as their guys talk. Brittany glances over and see Matt leaning against the empty lifeguard's chair as he motions for her to come to him.

Brittany: *taps Selena on the shoulder* I'll be right back.

Selena: Be smart. Cameron doesn't deserve to be hurt.

Brittany: I know, from now on it's exclusive with just Cam.

Selena nods and watches as she walks away. As Brittany comes face to face with Matt, he brings her in to kiss her but she pushes him away as soon as he lightly touches her lips.

Matt: for a girl who almost fucked me... Twice, I might add, you're playing pretty hard to get. *he smirks*

Brittany: *crosses her arms* yeah well I've come to my senses.

Matt: What's that supposed to mean?

Brittany: as in, you better leave me alone matt because I'm done with you! *says shouting not realizing it*

The sound of Brittany shouting gets Cameron's attention. He looks and sees Brittany getting frustrated with Matt when all of the sudden Matt pulls her in and kisses her not letting go even though she struggles to get out of his grasp. Cameron takes action and runs over and punches Matt on the side of his face which knocks him on the ground. Matt holds his cheek and sees Cameron more pissed off than ever over looking him.

Matt: Sorry Cam, just wanted to see how much longer till I could get another blow job from your slut.

Cameron loses it and attacks Matt again leaving everyone looking shocked at the two throwing punches, but Cameron obviously winning. Nash pulls Cameron off of him and holds him back. Jack G helps Matt off the ground and holds him back.


Matt: Whatever man, just wanted to ask her to do me another favor like she did in the car earlier.

Cameron looks back at Brittany standing there already in tears. He immediately storms off to his car and as she follows. She catches up to him and stops him.

Brittany : *crying* CAMERON!!! I didn't!!!! I promise you I would never do anything like that!

Cameron: then why does it seem logical????!!!

Brittany: I CAN'T ANSWER THAT CAM! He's just trying to piss you off!

Cameron takes a deep breathe, turns the other direction and grabs her hand to bring her with him. When Cameron reaches Matt, he gets all up in his bruised face.

Cameron: So you think you can play that little trick?! Well guess what Matt, it won't work because unlike you, I know how to treat a girl. Because what you're doing, will get you no where with a girl.

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