Chapter 37- I Missed This

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We finish the shoot with the guys and Bryant. When everyone starts leaving the beach, it's about 6:00 in the evening. I look up and see Brittany sitting on a beach towel in the sand next to Bryant's equipment and my things. I run up to her and sit down next to her. She smiles at me and burries her head right back into her phone.

"What are you doing?" I laugh at her taking her phone out of her hands and look at the screen.

She had her vine pulled up. I scroll up to her name and become surprised.

"You just hit a million followers?!"

"Yeah! I couldn't believe it!" She says happy. "I don't know how though! Last time I posted a vine it was an edit of you because I was a fan."

"You're not a fan anymore?!" I give her the puppy dog face making her giggle and push my head the other way so she can't see me.

"Of course I am! I'm more of a fan than I ever was!"

I smirk and stand up with my bag and hand her back her phone. I then hold out my hand for her to grab. She does.

"Where are we going?"

"How about to dinner?" I suggest.

"Sounds great! Just remember our deal..."

"I promise."

"Good" she smiles and walks in front of me.

I try to catch up to her by holding her hand but she rejects. I don't try again because I don't want to push my boundries. I'll take what I can get, even though it's not the easiest thing to do when I'm around her. If I had my way, I'd attack her with a kiss right now if I could.

We get into my car and I drive us to Red Lobster. It's her and I's favorite restraunt. When we pull up she gives me a huge smile.

"Is this good if we eat here?" I ask rhetorically.

"Well, duh!"


I get out of the car and he follows. He holds the front door of the restraunt open for me like the gentleman he is. When we get in and ask for a table, we're seated almost immediately. Cameron shows how much of gentleman he is even more by helping me into my seat. It was so sweet. I think it made me blush but I'm not sure.

The young waitress comes to the table and stairs down Cameron. I give her a glare even though we're not even dating, I will not have any girl flirt with him. Just can't do it. Especially not right in front of me. She apparently doesn't notice the look I'm giving her because she starts biting her lip looking at him when he's not even paying attention.

"What can I get you nice couple for a drink?" she sneakily asks.

"We're not together. And I'll have a iced tea." Cameron admits not understanding this lady's sneaky ways.

"How can you be single? You're too hot." she winks at him.

I was about to attack this dumb bitch. Cam looks at me stunned and looks back at the waitress. I can tell he didn't know what to say. So I decide to speak for him...

"Excuse me, but you can either put your eyes back into your little note pad there or I could do it for you. Now unless you want me to report you I reccommend you get us a new waiter." I say sternly standing my ground.

The slut rolls her eyes at me and walks away from the table.

"Brittany, what the heck?"

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