Chapter 9- Major Confusion

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Cameron opens his eyes to see a beautiful face right in front of him sleeping soundly and peacefully. He smiles and brushes a strand of hair from her face and admires her beauty. Brittany starts to wake up slowly and smiles immediately when she sees who's staring at her smiling.

Cameron: *whispers* good morning gorgeous. When did you get here?

Brittany: *whispers back* around 3 in the morning. I couldn't sleep. I needed to be with you.

Cameron: But didn't you tell Matt that you weren't coming today. You got grounded?

Brittany: Yeah I did get grounded, but oh well. She can't do anything about it but ground me some more. *she giggles*

Cameron: *says in a sexy morning voice and kisses her* So I have a bad girl on my hands?

Brittany: *bites her lip and smirks* maybe...

Cameron: Well I have to go get ready. Want to go for breakfast to allow Nash to sleep some more?

Brittany: Sure. *she smiles and sits up in the bed looking down at Cameron still laying down looking at her.* Where though?

Cameron: I was thinking that diner across the street, on the boardwalk.

Brittany: Sounds good. *She smiles*

Cameron sits up in the bed revealing his gorgeous, shirtless body to Brittany.


oh... my... gosh.. his body is so sexy. I can't believe I slept in the same bed as him but didn't take the opportunity to attack that beautiful, sexy body! This is going to be harder than I thought... how the hell am I going to get through this. I have a sex god who seems to love me... a lot! A boy who is warning me about him but I don't know if I should believe him or not considering the fact that he likes me, and he's cute also! And then another guy who took me on a sunrise walk on the beach and made me feel special the whole morning! This is so messed up. What the hell am I supposed to do. I should get Selena's input on this.


Cameron catches a glimpse of Brittany wondering her eyes and scanning his body.

Cameron: Like what you see? *he smirks*

Brittany: Oh... you have no idea! *she says as she leans over and passionately kisses him*

Meanwhile while Brittany and Cameron get ready to go out for breakfast, Taylor and Selena just woke up and things are getting a little hot! ;)

 Taylor: Babe, you are so sexy I never had someone turn me on like that.

Selena: Your telling me. You couldn't keep your hands off my boobs. *she laughs a little in a dirty way*

Taylor: I gotta tell you something though...

Selena: What?

Taylor: I kind of just want to be friends.... *he says hesitantly*

Selena: What?!!!!

Taylor: I'm sorry! I just want to see if we could possibly be friends with benefits?!

Selena: TAYLOR CANIFF! THAT IS SO FRICKEN SICK AND..... and, not that bad of an idea...

Taylor: Are you serious?

Selena: Well I mean yeah... maybe... I don't know. I'll need some time to think about it. Till then, you're still mine Tay.

Taylor: Fine... *he says rolling his eyes and starts to put his boxers back on that were thrown on the floor*

Selena gets redressed and heads out the hotel room door without even letting Taylor know where she went while he takes a shower. She walks down the hallway all the way down the Cameron and Nash's room wanting to ask Cameron if she could stay with him till Brittany got to the hotel. Instead she's stopped dead in her tracks as she sees Cameron and Brittany walk out of the hotel room holding hands and giggling about something they were talking about. She decides to let them go and wait till they came back. Selena then feels alone in the empty hallway and begins to cry a little about being confused on what to do.


This is ridiculous. It's only been a day and I already fell in love with Taylor so much I gave up my virginity for him. And for what?! So we could be friends with benefits?! That's sick but at the same time, not such a bad idea. I like Shawn also. I mean, he's an amazing singer and such a sweet guy who's a perfect gentleman. You won't find guys like Shawn very often. I don't know. Why does everything have to be so confusing. Nothing can ever be simple!


Hey guys! Please help me get more readers! PLEASE!!!! And thank you :)

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