Chapter 50- Love Me Harder

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Short chapter /:

In other news... This is now officially the longest book I've written! Chapter 50!!!! :D enjoy!



I walk back inside the house and everyone is either watching TV, playing a game with this ball they found in the kitchen, or in their rooms. I walk upstairs and into my room. When I get up there, I pick up my phone off my bed and tweet.

Please stay... 😔

I immediately have fans assuming it's about Brittany and in this case, they're right.

I get a notification that Brittany just tweeted. It was song lyrics to her favorite Ariana Grande song.

Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta love me harder. And if you really need me you gotta love me harder.💔

It was an indirect but in 1,000% positive it was for me. The words were too perfect for our situation right now.

I indirect back knowing, she still gets notifications when I tweet. I remember The Weeknd's part of the song and tweet it.

The ones that love me I tend to leave behind. If you know about me and you still stay, then take this pleasure and take away the pain.💚

I feel like it wasn't completely perfect I just wanted her to know I understood her tweet. Maybe the fans would catch on too.

I go out onto my balcony and sit on the chair and browse through pictures of Britt and I in my camera roll. I tear up at all the memories and hope the memories don't stop being created between her and I.

I can't help it anymore. I just can't have her mad at me.

I stand up off the chair and grab my keys off my dresser and head down the two sets of stairs and head out the front door without letting anyone know where I'm going. I drive down to the flower shop down at the boardwalk and buy a HUGE bouquet of Brittany's favorite flowers that I bought her before that one day, and go back to the loft. When I get there everyone stares at me weirdly coming in the door with the flowers that covered my whole upper half of my body.

"I gotta fix this." I say as I whiz by them up the stairs.

As I get to the top of the stairs, I hear Taylor say something to them. I think he said, "whipped." I roll my eyes if that's really what he said.

When I get to the top of the stairs, I knock on Brittany's door and she immediately opens it and stands there with wet hair and a towel still wrapped around her naked body. It made me want to kiss her right then and there and whip that towel right off her. But I knew it'd probably just piss her off even more.

I hold out my arm with the flowers in that hand and she grabs them. She barely cracked a smile which really brought my expectations down.

"Thanks. Now what do you want Cam?"

"We need to talk. Because I can't spend another second without kissing you or having the thought that you're even the slightest bit mad at me. It's just not good." I say as honest and sincere as I could.

I watch as she sighs and puts her hand on her hip and the other...sadly, holding up her towel. She backs up and opens the door for me to come in. I do without saying anything and sit on her bed as she shuts the door behind me. When she shuts the door, she stands in front of me with her arms crossed, keeping her distance. It sucked. I try bringing her closer to me by grabbing her waist gently and pulling her.

"Cameron, no!" she says stern and pushes my hands off her.

"Babe, please give me a chance."

"Do you not remember? Or is the drugs causing you brain damage already?"

"Stop..." I sigh and become slightly frustrated. "I know you said we need a break but that's not good enough for me. I can't take another second of not being able to hold you, kiss you, and obsess over how much I love you. I told you I would never do it ever again and completely mean it. And I told you I'm severly sorry for calling you those names. I was high and had no clue what I was doing. It's as simple as that."

"Cameron... that's one of your problems. It's...never...that...simple." she says getting clearly worked up, all in one breath.

"But it can be."

"Get the fuck out Cameron. Give us time." she says as she pushes me out of her room.

Before she slams the door in my face, I hold it back and look into her eyes that are starting to tear up. I knew she still cared.

"How much time?" I say softy almost tearing up myself.

She doesn't answer me. She just shuts the door. I walk back up to my room sick in my stomach from my nerves, and feel like I'm going to burst into tears any second. I was a tough guy, but not when it comes to getting close to losing the girl of my dreams...

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