Chapter 4- Wild Mornings

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Brittany: *Whispers* Sel... Selena??

Selena: *moans* ten more minutes. *puts pillow over her head*

Brittany: I guess someone doesn't want to go hang out with Taylor in a hotel room. *she says sarcastically*

Selena pops up out of the covers and stands up and rushes to her sleepover bag and finds the outfit she bought yesterday at Deb. Brittany gets out of her bed and does the same. They change with their backs towards eachother in different parts of the room and they race to the bathroom to see who gets to do their hair first. Selena gets ahead of Brittany and laughs and locks the bathroom door with her in it. Brittany laughs and sighs and walks back to her room and sits on the bed. She turns on her phone and sees it's 7:30. Her eyes widen because her and Selena are supposed  to be on the boy's hotel room floor at 8. She gets up off the bed to warn Selena.

Brittany: *yells through the door*  Selena! We have to be there in 30 minutes!

Selena: *Unlocks the door* I'm done. I'll do my mae up in your room. Hurry and do your hair and make up!

Brittany: I've been trying!

Selena runs back down the hall with her black, silky, long hair, in little waves, and her make up bag in hand. As soon as Brittany enters the bathroom, she plugs in her straightner, and put on her make up while it heats up. She puts on simply, mascara and black eyeliner, and some cupcake, sparkly lip gloss. As she looks in the mirror at the final product, she remembers, Cameron doesn't like when girls wear things on their lips. She smiles and shrugs to herself and wipes it off. She then picks up her straightner and begins straightening her long, blonde, curly hair. She begins to get frustrated as one curl won't straighten and just tucks it under the rest of her bangs and sighs. She finally finishes getting ready and meets Selena in her room.

Selena: Are you ready?!

Brittany: YEAH!

Selena: Good! Let's go! Btw, you look so pretty! I love your whole outfit head-to-toe! Cameron is going to love it!

Brittany: Same to you! Tay is gonna love you're outfit!

Selena: Hey! I'm the only one who can call him that! *she giggles and says with sas*

Brittany: *laughs* Fine! Let's go.

Brittany and Selena grab their tickets and VIP passes off the bed, along with their phones. They basically run down the stairs in excitement and run out the door and hop into Brittany's car. They finally arrive at the hotel where Magcon will be held. Before getting out of the car, Brittany texts Cameron.

Brittany: Hey! We're here and walking into the building now. What floor are you on?

Cameron replies almost immediately.

Cameron: The top floor :) I'll have the security guard wait by the elevator for you. Can't wait to see you ;)   (Btw, Taylor said he's excited to meet your friend!) Lol

Brittany: K. She's beyond excited to see him too! lol, See you in a few.

Brittany gets out of the car and so does Selena. They walk to the front of the line of screaming girls waiting to enter the building. Brittany tell the security guard who they are and he let's them through. Girls' mouths drop when they see that they were allowed to get in and almost start crying. (I know I would! Lol) Brittany and Selena giggle to themselves as they rush to the elevator. Once they get in, they hit the button for the top floor. When the doors open, they jump back a little to see Bart standing there, apparently waiting for them!

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