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I don't know why, but I feel the need to tell you guys about this dream that I had about Cameron last night. Lol. (Sorry if you thought this was a chapter) haha.

Anyways, so like I was driving down a road with my mom and we see these two guys sitting on the side of the road with their car. I told my mom to stop and I got out. I came out and it was Cameron and Nash. I of course freaked out and took tons of pics with them totally ignoring the fact that their car was broke down! Haha! And so we all got in my mom and I's car with Nash and Cam, and Nash told us a way to go to Bart's house and so we got there and my mom ended up staying in the car??? Idk. Lol. Anyway, in the house, Bart and his wife were like in the kitchen or something and I was sitting on Cameron's lap with my arms around his neck and just staring at him in a creepy way probably. Hahaha. He completely just ignored me just continued to watch the TV. Nash disappeared half way through the dream too. So then, Cameron got up from this couch and told me he had to go to bed, so I let him. Seconds later my mom comes back in the house and tells me that we have to go, and I told her no, that I would stay at this house for the night? Lol I didn't even ask! (But whatevs, it's a dream) So she leaves for good and I walk into the room that Cam went into and found him shirtless, only in blue briefs, laying on his back on this bed. (Just thinking about it again is making me thirsty) lol, anyways, I ask Cam if I could give him a bj and was basically begging him to let me, and he said yes, as long as he could film me??? And I agreed but when I went to give it to him, his dick was a battery?!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA I HAVE NO FRICKEN CLUE WHERE THAT CAME FROM?!!! 😂😂😂😂

So all in all, it was a weird dream I guess you could say but I still can't stop wishing that the battery was actually his dick. 😂

Comment if I'm a total weirdo and I just waisted your time 😂😂😂😂

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