Chapter 39- Being Fair

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I woke up in the middle of the night to hear feel Cameron not behind me, holding me. I was still naked and cold. I sit up in my bed and turn on my lamp on my side table. I look around the room and see my door open. I grab my robe and put it on so I can walk out of my room. When I got out of my room I looked over the overlook into the living room and see Cameron, still shirtless talking to Nash. I don't know why they're awake. It's one am.

Right before I started to climb down the stairs I stop when I hear my name being said by Cameron. I stop and ease-drop.

"So how's Brittany?" Nash asks him.

"She's good but I don't know, sometimes I feel like she's always being completely engaged into having a relationship with me."

"Well she sure sounded engaged tonight!" Nash laughs

It takes me a second to catch on what he meant. If he meant that he heard Cam and I having sex then that's embarrassing....

"You heard?" Cameron laughs

"Well yeah man, you had her screaming! You did too!" He jokes back.

At this point I was so embarassed. I couldn't belive Cameron is letting him continue making jokes and staying on the subject.

"Cameron, when you're done making a fool out of me, you can sleep in your own bed for the rest of the night." I yell over the banister, down at him and stomp to my door and slam it.

I get back in my bed and curl up under the covers after I take my robe back off. I hear Cameron's footsteps outside my door. I freeze myself and prepare myself not to give in this time. I hear my door open and feel him body sit on my bed and cave it in a little. He puts his hand on my arm and kisses my cheek and leaves the room. I sit up in bed, and look at the door, he was gone. He just shut the door. Didn't even try to fight for his spot back in my bed. I got up and put my bra and panties on so I didn't come out wearing nothing. I quickly came into the hallway and freeze when I hear Cameron's door shut. I follow him and get to his room. He was about to cover himself back into his bed. He sees me and holds open the covers and smiles at me from across the room. I smirk at him with my arms crossed and jump into his covers, giving in. He wraps his arms around me and pecks me on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry bae" He says nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Shut up you dork." I giggle and we fall asleep.



I wake up and find Brittany and I still in the same position that we fell asleep in. I don't wake her up, so I get up and put on my grey sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt. When I get to the bottom of my stairs, no one is awake yet. I get down to the kitchen and look at the microwave clock. It was noon?! There was a note on the island counter from Selena.

Hey love birds! Since we all seen you two weren't waking up any time soon, we all headed to the diner then the mall. Enjoy your day together alone! We all won't be back till about 7 at night.

~Selena, and the other guys

A whole day at home with Brittany? Sounds awesome! Since when Brittany wakes up, it'll be still lunch time, I decided to make her lunch. And when I say make lunch, I mean order take out from her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. I order her favorite food in the world, fettuccine alfredo and I order myself just the spaghetti over the phone. I head out, just down the road and get the meals and bring it back to the house. When I get back, Britt is still not awake so I put our delicious smelling, meals on plates and set the table. I even went out of my way to stop at the flower shop on the way home and buy her, her favorite flowers, hot pink tulips and white roses mixed into the bouquet. I put the bouquet in the center of the table next to a candle I lit for her also. It was all ready. I decided it I was just going to wake her up. I couldn't wait any longer! I climb the stairs, then mine and see her on my balcony staring out over the city of LA, still in only her black bra, and white, lace panties. Both from the time I bought them for her at Victoria Secret because I really wanted to see her in them. ;)

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