Chapter 74- Gilinsky

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***1 WEEK LATER***


It's been a week and Cameron is still in the hospital and I'm still a wreck. I was forced to go home that one night and they call me if anything has changed. Well since then, nothing has changed. He's been in a coma for a week now and it took till 2 days ago for investigators to find out what knocked him out in the first place. Cameron barged in the room, grabbed the gun from Chad and shot Chad in the stomach as self defense as Chad tried to tackle Cam to the ground by choking him. So Chad was killed from bleeding out, thankfully actually. Now he won't be bothering me anymore. Anyways, as for Cameron he soon after fell over and passed out from lack of oxygen. As he fell, investigators predicted that he slammed his head on the marble end table that was right above him where I found him laying.

I've been in the middle of packing my things back up from Chad's beach house and taking them back to the loft. I actually just finished. I'm now laying on Jack G's bed on my phone looking through twitter while Jack is on his lap top at his desk next to me.

Jack has been the most there for me. Well at least it seems that way. I kind of have been clinging to him more than anyone probably because he reminded me of Cameron so much. He was tall, handsome, charming, sexy, muscular, and had a cute laugh like Cam.

"Get this, some girl just tweeted Cam's account, 'good for ya!'" I say enraged.

Jack slides off his desk chair and comes to sit next to me and looks at the phone screen.

"How do you have Cam's phone?"

"The doctor gave me all his belongings that he had on him when he was admitted."

"Then how do you know his password?"

"It's the date that we met."

He gives a goofy nod and wrinkles his face like a child making me giggle.

I continue scrolling through tweets and follow a couple fans, knowing that's what I would've wanted when I was a fan girl. All of his fans knew it was me though on his account due to the tweet I sent out a couple days after Cam was put in the hospital:

Hey guys, it's Brittany... Cam is in the hospital. I will explain to you all in my next video I'll be posting tonight but yeah... I'll control his account till he's back. 😓

Jack lays back on his bed and stares up at the ceiling after kissing my cheek. I look back at him and think about how Cameron's kisses felt and I missed it more than anything in the whole world.

I lay back with him and turn my head to look at him.

"You know, Cam's a really lucky guy." He says to me turning on his side, propping himself up with his arm.

I copy and do the same. "How so?"

"He has a girlfriend as beautiful and amazing as you." He gives me a warm smile that made me feel giddy for some reason.


Call my crazy, but I think I love her. I have loved her actually for the longest time now but never said anything. I said that I had a girlfriend but that was only to see if she became jealous, which obviously she wasn't. I love her and all but I would NEVER do anything to wreck her and Cameron's relationship like Matt did. Plus, she is going through way too much. I couldn't pile on any more stress to her life. But all I want to do right now is kiss her. At least to let her know it's all right.


Jack and I stare at eachother after he says that. It was awkward but I couldn't look away. He almost looked as if he wanted to... kiss me...?

Before I know it, he's staring at my lips then back up to my eyes. He was going to do it and we both knew it. He hesitates, but places his hand gently on the side of my face and leans in and meets my lips before I could back away. I take my time reaching my hand in between us to push him away. When I do, we both were still gazing into eachother's eyes because I couldn't move after that. I was frozen. It gave me butterflies. Not because it was Jack. Because all I could imagine was it being Cameron.


really short chapter but I think it was kind of cute even though another new piece of drama was added to the story. Comment what you think.

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