Chapter 51- But I Love You

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Today was the day we all leave for Magcon again. So let me fill you in a little....

Cameron and I are still not back together. We're actually broken up. I caught him hanging around Nash, the Jack's, and the drug dealer, Sammy, (who is coming on tour with us). I caught Cameron was sitting with the four of them while they were high. Cameron wasn't, but it was a part of the deal him and I had. I would only forgive him once he made everyone in the house get rid of the weed and stop, and stop himself. But I ended it as soon as I seen it. I really didn't want to. It took me weeks to get over it but I finally did. I called the guy from school, that I had a crush on, Chad, and now we're dating. I know shocker how I moved on fast. Wanna call me a slut? If I were you, I wouldn't because I'm not. I decided I'm not doing anything sexual with Chad for a LONG time. Because I feel Cameron and I did it too soon. Cameron is single... not that I care or anything. Selena and Shawn are still togther. They're even starting to create duets with eachother. Nash is now dating a girl named, Natalie. Jack Johnson has a girl now named, Jennifer. Jack G is still single. Taylor is still the same man whore as always. Lol...Carter is shockingly dating the queen of the sluts, Madison. And Matt is dating my cousin... Amanda... Mandi for short. I seen how down Matt was around the house and set him up with my cousin who happened to be a huge fan of Matt's and is also a Hollister model... so yeah, she's pretty gorgeous. I once and a while get some flirtatious comments STILL, coming from Matt though. So basically, ever one started becoming couples when Cam and I split... I mean Cameron. I won't call him his nickname anymore because he told me he loved when I called him that and so yeah.... So otherwise, life is pretty good now. Chad is the best gentleman he could ever be to me and is just perfect. Like literally perfect. Am I in love with him yet? Honestly... not as much as I should be, but that can change, and I'm pretty sure it will. Living with Cameron and bringing another guy into the house is hard. I can tell Cameron and Chad hate each other. Every time Cameron comes into eye contact with Chad, they give evil glares to each other and throw rude comments at each other. Cameron and I aren't even really friends anymore. We barely say a word to each other... and honestly it suck so bad it hurts. But if I continue talking to him, it'll just hurt both of us even more. It's for the best. If you're wondering how I got to still come to Magcon, it's an odd story. So that time when I was in the car with Cameron and he heard me sing, well, he told Shawn eventually and Shawn had me sing for him. He thought I was amazing so he then passed the word onto Bart. So I sang for Bart and he immediately gave me a spot in Magcon to sing. Ever since I was told that news a month ago, I had to act like the other guys. I had to make vines of me singing. I had to make YouTube videos of me singing covers of songs, and eventually, I had a fan base. I couldn't believe it. I had actual fans and had them freak out when I followed them on twitter or something just like the guys have their fans do. It was honesty the best feeling in the world. I couldn't believe how popular I was getting. I even have literally the same amount of followers on vine as Shawn and have more followers than him on Twitter. And to top it all off, more views and likes on my covers on YouTube, than Shawn. I didn't want to over shadow him, but it was slowly coming to that. That's when I made sure I gave him credit in a lot of my videos for getting me started and for giving me great singing advice. He even taught me how to play guitar, which was pretty cool.

I pack my last suitcase and zipper it up. I put on my grey beanie and let my naturally wavy, hair down. Chad comes up behind me and startles me by wrapping his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder.... like Cam used to do... dang, I meant Cameron. Ugh!

"I don't want to see you leave." he pouts.

I turn around and hug him. "It's only a month. And you get to come and visit me at Magcon NYC."

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