Chapter 53- Sorry For Caring

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This chapter is dedicated to the reader that actually comments 😉 lol: hGinaovejb



The guys and I all were laughing and carrying on in Matt's room, when Jack and Jack run in to tell us that Brittany was fighting with Sammy. Everyone jumped up and huddled around the door. I didn't really want to because I knew how ugly she was going to make it, but at the same time I was really curious. After 5 minutes of Brittany screaming at him, she comes out and gives us all evil stares. I felt so bad that she had to do that and make people think of her as a bitch just because I messed up. If it wasn't for me, I think Nash and the Jack's wouldn't have done weed again. I just encouraged it...

She glares at me and I just give her an upset look. I felt so bad. And as I said before, I'm going to do anything it takes to get her back.

I walk up to her room door and knock a couple seconds after she slammed it in our faces. She opens it slightly, now in tears. I went to open the door more and hug her but she didn't let me. She just backed up and put her hand on my chest to hold me back.

"Can we talk?" I try and say as sympathetic as I could.

She shakes her head 'no', still in tears and shuts the door slowly this time.

I go back to my room and everyone else goes back to Matt's. I sit in their alone on the bed I claimed to sleep on while we're at this stop of the tour. It was a king sized bed. Really comfy. The sheets looked brand new and everything.

I get on my phone and tweet.

Mistakes are always stretched. The problem lasts forever and sometimes just last longer than it was supposed to.

My fans immediately flooded me with replies asking if I was okay, and some just replied, 'amen', which made me smile.

I get a knock on my door and it startles me for a quick second. I walk over and open it. It was Brittany, trying to clean up the tears on her face, holding her arms to her side, uninvitingly. Without question, she comes in and sits on the edge of my bed and stares at her feet, obviously trying to keep more tears back but I knew she couldn't last long. I sit down next to her and don't touch her because I know she wouldn't let me anyway.

"It's gonna be okay..." I say softy.

And with that she wraps her arms around my neck and cries into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her waist softy and cautiously, and just want to stay like that forever. I haven't felt the feeling of her in my arms for two months and it was driving me crazy.

She releases the hug and sits on the floor in front of me and holds her knees to her face and cries into her legs, crawled in a ball.

"I'm such a bitch! I'm sick of it!" She says throughout the whimpers.

"Hey..." I say as I get on the floor with her and lift her chin up to look at me. "You're not a bitch for caring. You're not one at all."

"I just want this to stop." She whispers with a weak voice.

"I promised I would never do it again. And I swear, the last time I did it, it was the time you caught me."

"But what about the others?!"

"Nash did it last night and Jack and Jack do it almost every night." I sigh to admit.

"I feel like the right thing to do it tell Bart, but then that just wouldn't be cool."

"Mind me asking a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why do you feel like this is such a huge deal? I'm not saying it's not, I'm just wondering."

"Because when last year, I had a boyfriend who did weed... Then he did mushrooms, then he did heroin, then he died when he tried to quit. I can't see that happen to anyone ever again. Especially you..."

The last part of her sentence made me smile at her, which she didn't see, because she was blinded by tears.

"I can tell Bart with you..."

She looks up with a spark of happiness in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I care about them too, and I will admit, it's a really stupid thing to do and just like you... I don't want to see them hurt themselves like this." I say truthful.

"Thank you." She whispers.

I stand up and help her up and we walk out of the room together and knock on Bart's room door. He opens it a couple seconds later.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks us.

I volunteer to do all the talking... For now. "Brittany and I have to tell you something... In private."

He nods his head confused and let's us come in. Brittany shuts the door behind her once we're all in. We sit at the small table set up by the mini kitchen he has as well as all the rooms we rented.

"So what's up?"

"We need to tell you something that concerns us but we don't want you to think we're being tattle tails or anything..."

"Okay?" He begins to become really confused.

"Nash, Jack and Jack are doing weed. They probably brought some on tour too." Brittany finally chimes in.

Bart sits there with wide eyes not being able to grasp this. As I sit and wait for an answer, I begin to shake a little of anxiety.

"So what do you suppose I do about it?"

"Maybe have the security guard check them and their bags for anymore and confiscate it?" Brittany suggests. Which I have to admit seems like a little too much, but I'm not going to argue.

"I don't want to accuse them that quickly though."

I can tell Brittany got upset when he suggested that since you could see her jaw clench a little. I place my hand gently on her thigh and she calms down but uncomfortably jolts away. I just remember I still can't do that.

"Why not?"

"Unless you can prove it to me, I can't do anything that major."

"Fine. We'll bring back evidence tonight." Brittany frustratingly says and storms out of the room. I roll my eyes and follow her, leaving Bart in confused thoughts.

I come out to the hallway and see Nash holding Brittany by the arm, acting aggressive. I immediately jump in between them and free his grip on her, casting Nash to fall down. He was stoned... Again.

"Britt, get in your room. I'll be right there."

Nash stood up and looked at me with a evil eye. I never seen him this aggressive.

"Nash, what are you doing?"

"She fucking told didn't she?!!!!"

"No! I did." I lie and Nash punches me right in the face knocking me out to only see the room go black.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Is this going too far about them caring about the new drug problem? Do you think Cameron and Brittany are going to get back together?!!!

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