Chapter 64- Goodbye

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It's been an hour since Brittany slammed the door on me. After that I went back to my room and have been there, sitting on my bed, on my phone trying to call her or text her. No response. She must be super mad at me. I really blew it now. I get startled when I hear commotion going on in the hallway. Nash and I look at each other and get up at the same time and open up the door. Selena was yelling through her, Brittany, and Mahogony's hotel room door.

"Brittany?! Open up!" She yells.

No response. I begin to panic. I left a suicidal girl alone after getting in a fight with her, also ending with her in tears. Lord please don't let it be what I think.

I run over, Nash trailing behind, and knock on the door with her frantically.

"What did you do now?!" Selena yells at me.

"We had a small argument."

"Well look at what might've happened to her now!" Selena screams at me in tears.

"I'll go get Bart." Mahogany offers and runs full speed to Bart's room and knocks frantically. He opens it and I watch as she talks to him as worried as all of us.

Soon all the guys come running out of their rooms, some who just woke up. Bart runs to the door and swipes the extra key to the room he had, since Selena and Mahogany forgot there's when the left this morning.

We all file in, not to see Brittany anywhere. I try and knock on the closed bathroom door, no response. I go to open it, it was locked. The light was on, the door was locked, and there were no sounds on the other side.

"Britt, sweetie please open the door!" I begin to cry feeling that this is not a good situation.

"Are you okay?!!!!" Matt yells as he enters the room, and joins my side.

Still no answer.

"I'll go get the hotel manager, maybe he has a key to open it." Taylor yells and runs at full speed out of the room and to elevator.

7 minutes go by and Taylor finally comes back with the manager who had a ring full of keys on it. He barges through all of us and unlocks the door and I grab a hold of the door knob. I was terrfied on what I would find on the other side of this door. It could scar me for life. I took a deep breath and swung it open. There laying on the floor, in a small puddle of blood already dried onto the white, tiled floor was Brittany unconscious. I fall to my knees and become a crying mess. I press my head up to her chest to hear a heart beat, there was still one. Thank God. It still didn't explain for the blood. I looked naturally at her wrist and there it was. 4 blood gushed lines on her inner writst. She must've hit a blood vain or a few.

"Call an ambulance now!" I yell still in tears, and Bart already was on it. Probably ever since I opened the door.

. . .

5 minutes of holding her in my arms, talking soothingly to her and letting my tears drop onto her limpless body, the paramedics finally come. I help them put her on the gurny and they wheel her out the door. I begin to follow them into the elevator but they stop me. Only Bart and Selena were allowed to go. Selena made them not allow me to come. It pissed me off. We were all, already a wreck and yet she has to continue making me seem like the bad guy. Not like I was denying it, I just didn't want to accept that it was even the slightest bit possible that it was my fault.

. . .

It's been 2 hours since the guys and I and Mahogany arrived at the hospital waiting for some news on Brittany. We even had to cancel the show for today. We all are emotionally and physically exhausted. I can barely keep down tears the whole time we've been waiting. My stress level is through the roof and I just feel so alone right now. If I lose her, I have nothing.

My thoughts break as Selena and a doctor begin to approach us. I stand up from my chair and take a deep breath bracing myself to hear the news. Good or bad? That's the question.

"Brittany is starting to now wake up. She passed out from losing way too much blood. If you all haven't found her in the next 20 minutes approximately, she would've been dead." The doctor tells us all.

I lose it. Just hearing the word 'dead' and 'Brittany' in the same sentence makes my stomach twist into knots.

"So will she be okay?" Bart asks before I manage to come out with that question.

"Yes but I recommend she stops touring. She needs to be at home resting and keeping her stress level down."

At home... With Chad... Not even close to me for another month. I don't know how much longer I can handle this continuous bad news.

"Can I see her?" I mutter out, not knowing what else there is to say.

"No!" Selena shouts pissed at me.

"Please? I... I can't let her leave the tour without saying goodbye." I say quietly, trying to clear up my tears.

Shawn places his hand gently on Selena's back, with her arms crossed, and she immediately calms down to the feeling of his touch. "Fine..."

I crack a small smile, and it soon after fall back down to a natural frown. I follow the doctor, leaving everyone in the waiting room. After about a 5 minute walk, down the twists and turns of the huge hospital, we finally come to a door and the doctor opens it for me, and closes it behind me once I step in. Before me is Brittany laying on her right side, facing the window, hooked up to scary machines. Some keeping her heart rate monitored, another keeping her blood at a normal level, the others, I didn't know what the did. She still hasn't turned around to see me standing there. I slowly approach her hospital bed, not knowing how she was going to react. When I can't take anymore steps, I place my hand gently on her shoulder. She turns her head slightly, so I can see she was crying silent tears. Her skin was ice cold and pale. It looked as if she was near death.

"I'm so sorry." I break down and cry, walking over to the other side of her bed so she can see me.

I kneel down on my knees and place my hand in hers that was laying limp on the bed.

"Cameron, let me go... leave me alone... we are too dangerous for each other." She continues to cry. "We're toxic." Her last two words were whispered as if they were for my ears to only hear.

A tear falls down my cheek, at the same time, a tear from her beautiful blue eyes, copies by falling onto our hands. They were stuck together like glue. Inseparable, but at the same time, so brittle and delicate.

Before giving up completely, I have to do one more thing. I lean slowly, as she shuts her eyes as tight as she could, and kiss her soft, cold, lips as sweetly as I could, trying to express as much love as I could through a kiss.

"Goodbye my princess, I will love you forever and always." I say as I cry and show her one more smile before I leave the room.

And that was that. That was the last time I seen her.


I legit cried as I wrote the end of this chapter. The story is almost over /:

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