Chapter 29- Tempted

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I keep my eyes closed smiling, and rip the covers back over me. I hear his mischievously chuckle and out of no where, he begins to tickle me through the covers causing me to have an uncontrollable laugh. I was laughing so hard I almost peed myself!

"MATT!!! stop!!! Stop!"

"No! I love to hear your laugh!" He laughs at me.

I roll all the way over to the other side of the bed and fall off onto the floor. I peek up to see Matt laughing at me. I can feel my face getting red as I smile at him because of the embarrassment. He laughs at me and walks over to me and holds out his hand. I grab it and instead of standing up, I pull him down.


I fall down on top of her and laugh. We lock eyes and I hold her cheek in my hand. Our laughing calms down as we just stare into each other's eyes. I felt such a connection with her. I love her. I really do. I don't know how anyone could hurt her like Cameron did. She deserves to be mine. And only mine.

I couldn't help it anymore. I lightly and sweetly touched her lips just enough to tease her into pulling me in and meeting her soft lips completely. She takes control. She attempts to enter my mouth, I give in after fighting for dominance and let her. Brittany runs her fingers through my hair and grabs on as I attempt to stand up with her, but never breaking the sexy kiss.


Matt pushes me against the wall, restraining my hands against it and begins to kiss my neck. Each kiss placed lightly, and some hard and passionately. Every kiss getting more and more intense eventually making me let out a little moan, which encourages him to continue. He begins to undo my bra, which startles me and that's when I realize it.

"Matt, not yet." I say embarrassingly, pushing his hands back down off of me, onto his sides.

"Okay..." he seems a little upset.

"I'm sorry." I say as I back away from the wall and him.

"Babe, it's completely okay. You're my princess... I'll do anything you want and won't do anything you don't want to."

Cam always called me, his princess....He starts walking out the door with his now, messed up hair. My fault... I turn back around to try and pick out my bathing suit and clothes for the beach today, when I hear the door open back up. I turn around startled and smile as soon as I see that it's Matt peeking his head in the door.

"By the way.... THAT WAS AMAZING!" He yells through the whole apartment laughing.

I laugh at him and run to playfully shut the door on him.


I walk out of our room smiling ear-to-ear. I come out to see Carter standing there, facing me, with his arms crossed and what seems to be, dirty or mischievous smiling.


"So.... what was goin' on in there?" he laughed... dirty. I instantly knew what he meant.... and probably what he heard.

"nothing" I try to keep a straight face.

"Ohhh reeaalllyyy?!" he chuckles and pull out his phone and opens.... snapchat?

"Dude... don't tell me you did what I think you did!"

"Oh yeah! I did!" He laughs and hands me his phone. I press and hold, without reading the name of the person he sent it to. It was exactly what I thought. A video of me pressing Brittany up against the wall and kissing her neck. He even got the moan. It was sexy, but it's probably going to be REALLY embarrassing for her. I feel so bad.

I was steaming mad! I punched him in the arm not too hard, but enough to get my point across. "Dude! Why did you film that?!!! WHO DID YOU SEND IT TO?!!!" I yell but not enough for Brittany to hear me. Or at least I hope.

"It was sent to Cameron because we were texting and he eventually asked why we weren't there yet... so I showed him instead!" he says laughing as it's a joke or something.

"Dude, Cameron is going to be so pissed. Yeah I know I did want to show Cameron how much better I was for her than him, but I didn't want to ever ruin our friendship, or at least what was left of it, completely!"

"Geez! Sorry! I'll delete it before he opens it."

He gets out his phone once again and looks at the screen. A couple seconds later his facial expression quickly goes blank.

"What?!" I say scared for the worse.

"He already opened it..."


We arrive at the beach. It's set up with tents for the stars, merchandise and the people supporting the event, who are advertising their businesses. Also there was of course, a DJ booth, dance floor, stage, photo booth, and food stands everywhere. Not to mention the HUGE crowd of older teenagers like me and some young adults.

"So what first?!" Madison asks me, attatched to my arm like glue.

"I guess we're going to find the guys at our assigned, private tent."

"We get a private tent?!!!" she freaks as if it were a surprise as we walk towards the tent. Which it really wasn't it was common for us now.

"Well yeah... where else are we going to not be mobbed by fans, relax, and eat?"

She doesn't say anything just continues to freak out about everything going on. We approach the tent where the guys are at, so I mentally prepare myself to talk to Brittany after what now, has been a month. We finally get there and are greeted by everyone. Aaron, Shawn, Selena, Taylor, Jack J, Jack G, Nash....

"Where's Matt, Carter, and Brittany?" I ask Nash.

"Not here yet. So, how's Madison?" He asks sarcasrically.

"You know... she's Madison... same girl."

"So still a slutty, self-absorbed, ego maniac?" he laughs

"Yep!" I laugh with him.

Nash turns back around to talk to the other guys. I walk over to the hammoc set up in the corner of the tent, and get out my phone. All I can think about is Brittany at the moment.


To Carter: Hey, where are you and Matt?

Carter: We'll be over soon once those two hurry up.

To Carter: What do you mean, "those two"?"

Carter: You don't know?!

To Carter: KNOW WHAT???!!!

My heart begins to race hoping he's not going to say what I think he's gonna say. But there it is... What I didn't want to hear.

Carter: Brittany and Matt are dating. Today marks exactly a month.

I throw my phone down next to me and cover my eyes with my arm and almost cry.

"Why did I ever give up and let her go?" I say to myself when I hear my phone go off once more.

I see a new snapchat  sent to me privately. It was Carter. I open the snapchat and my mouth drops. I almost cry not caring what anyone thought of me.

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