Chapter 27- Messed Up

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"F*CK!!! F..f..f*ck me!" I scream as Taylor jams into me. It feels so fucking good.

"Say my name baby!" Starts going faster.

"Taylor p-please!!!"

He goes super fast which ends up eventually sloppy until he slows down which makes the feelings more intense. We both finally reached our climax at the same time. Taylor collapses next to me and lays flat on the bed. I look at him laughing which causes him to laugh.

Yes, I know this is wrong... Severely wrong, but again, what am I supposed to do?! No one else will do this job. So until Shawn stops being a pussy about it this will have to happen. Harsh? Yeah, yeah it is. Well there's not much of an option.

Before I know it, Taylor is up and walking to the shower still out of breath. I bite my lip and smirk as I watch him and his gorgeous abs that always taunt me, cross right in front of me inviting me for round two. I fight the urge and reach for my phone on the night stand next to the bed. 7 missed calls and 15 texts from Shawn, along with 2 missed calls and 3 texts from Brittany. Geez, I wasn't gone for hours! Wait...

I look at the time in the top right corner of my phone and it says 1:27 am.

What?! I've been gone from Shawn for 5 and a half hours!!!??? He must be so worried.

I quickly put my shirt and pants back on and rush out of the hotel room with my phone and keys. I get to my car and start to speed off as I realize that I forgot my bra... Oh well, there's next time.


This is getting ridiculous and out of hand! Selena has been gone now for 6 hours. I want to keep waiting up for her but I'm beginning to fall asleep on my couch.

Moments later, I hear the door being unlocked and opened. I turn around and see Selena looking suspicious.

"Where've you been?!"

"I... I told you... I was at the club with Brittany." She says what seems to be nervously.

"No, you weren't with her! You're lying babe! Brittany said she was never with you tonight since she left your mom's."

I see her eyes stare down at the ground as she knows she's in trouble. My heart begins to race hoping the idea that she's cheating on me, isn't true.


"I was shopping..."

I raise an eye brow in suspicion.

"You never shop alone? And what would you be shopping for this late at night?" She's really starting to aggravate me.

"I don't want to come right out and tell you otherwise it won't be a surprise..."


"I don't want to come right out and tell you otherwise it won't be a surprise..."

Plan B is in effect. I laugh in my head at myself.

"Just tell me because otherwise I won't believe you."

"I went shopping for lingerie... And things to make our first time really special. The place I went to is like, 40 miles away and they're open 24 hours." I lie and lie feeling every lie come out of my mouth as the truth. I was lying so bad I was convincing myself!

He looks at me stunned and says nothing else. He doesn't keep his eyes off me from almost across the room from me. I didn't know what to think. Does he believe me or am I in some deep trouble?

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