Chapter 44- Unable to Breathe

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After Cameron leaves Selena, Shawn, Jack G, and I, the room remains silent except for the TV. Shawn stands up, unable to handle awkward situations well, and grabs his car keys and phone off the coffee table in the center of the three couches that surround it.

"I'm gonna go sweetheart." He says and Selena stands up wraps her arms around him. They were about the same height which was cute that they were always eye and lip level. They fit so perfectly.

"Love you."

"Love you too." He says back and walks out the door after saying goodbye to Gilinsky and I, too.

"Well... I'm gonna head to bed too then." Jack G says handing Selena the remote.

Selena takes the remote and Jack leans down and hugs me.

"Hang in there, Britt." He smiles and friendly kisses my cheek.

It was kinda weird but it made me feel a little better that he cared that much about me.

"Do you want to go to bed too?" She asks me as Jack starts climbing the stairs.

"No. I want to give Cam a chance to get to sleep anyway without having me as a distraction." I attempt to laugh but it just comes out as a smirk with no noise to it.

"Yeah, I'm not tired at all."

It becomes silent and surprisingly stays like that for about 5 minutes.

"Hey, so how are you doing?" She asks seeming not too sure about how I will be able to answer.

"I'm getting over it. I probably need another day. I also think that once I ask my mom why she did it, I'll have closure since I never went to a funeral."

"Oh okay.... And if you don't mind me asking, do you know why they didn't tell you about the funeral and just let you miss it?" She carefully asks.

"....the.... The body was nearly.... Unrecognizable. They identified the body by doing a DNA test." I almost threw up thinking about it. I held the tears in as much as I tried but it was no use. I started balling once again and Selena quickly sits next to me and hugs me. I cry into her t-shirt, barely being able to breathe, once again.

"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have said anything. Hey, you need to go up to Cameron. Get some rest." She tries calming me down.

I just nod my head and hug her once more. She stays down in the living room by herself and watches TV while I start climbing the stairs very weak still. I then open Cam's door and attempt to climb his spiral stairs. I made it half way up before I collapsed and began crying my eyes out again.

"Cam... Ca... Cameron." I say in between the cries. It came out sounding quiet and weak, and also desperate but I didn't care. I hoped he could hear me because I can't move. I feel like I'm frozen here in the tears.

He apparently did hear me and I gave out as much voice as I could.

"Cameron.... Please." The last word comes out as a whisper that fades into more cries.

The door at the bottom of the stairs opens. I look down and see a figure coming up towards me. Through the pitch blackness, I barely make out a face. It's Jack G. He manages to pick me up in his strong arms. I wrap my legs around his shirtless, upper body and continue to tear up on his shoulder as he carries me up the rest of the way to Cam. He lays me down in Cameron's bed and Cam wakes up. He turns on his little lamp he has on his night stand and looks at Jack and I, squinting his eyes, shirtless and probably with just boxers on.

"What's going on?" He sees my tears and changes his question. "Hey, hey! What's wrong?!" He says as he pulls me into his arms and holds me as I cry into his shoulder and latch my arms around his neck and the other around his toned waist.

At this point, I didn't understand why I was crying. I can't believe I was crying this hard at all. I don't think I've ever cried this hard. My eyes are burning from the constant moisture, I'm out of breath, and my insides hurt so bad because of being so worked up. I thought I wanted to be alone, but the only thing that has been really making me feel the least better, is being with Cameron.

"Thanks man." He says sincerely to Jack and I hear his footsteps trail down the stair in between my attempts of gasping for air in between cries.

Cameron strokes my hair on the back of my head and holds me close.

"Shhhh. Baby, it's gonna be all right. You have me. I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be. here." He whispers soothingly into my back.

"It just hurts so much."

"I know babe. I know. But we'll get through this together. Let's go to sleep."

I don't acknowledge anything just do as he does and lay down with him, never releasing his grip on me. I only do to make him comfortable but I reposition myself to lay my head on his chest and place my one hand around his body, the other places in between our bodies. He reaches for the lamp string and turns it off. He rejoins his hand to pull me in closer. Right before I doze off completely as he just holds me, comforting me, making me feel safe, he whispers something I never thought I would hear come from him.

"Brittany. I..."


Ha ha! Cliff hanger :P

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