Chapter 78- Rose Petals

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The pressure of Cam grinding deeper and deeper into me was unbearable.

"I'm gonna c-cu" I didn't even bother finishing my sentence as it started to happen.

But he didn't stop.

"Holy fucking shit!" I yelled as he kept going, picking up the pace, trying to avoid being sloppy but it wasn't working.

Cameron falls to the side of me, both of us out of breath, but I wasn't ready to stop there.

As I roll on top of him, I meet his lips and sit back on his dick unexpectedly but went with it and moved up and down his length, while our tongues wrestled for dominance, he won.


Shawn and I have had the best night ever! But still... No ring is on my finger yet. I'm starting to think its not going to happen. Or at least just not tonight...


Cameron and I finished. Well... we never really want to actually finish but we had to because we were really tired.

We're now laying in my bed, playing with each others hands and just kissing and holding each other close. It was perfect and I missed it.

"You are so beautiful."

"You say that every time we cuddle." I laugh a little.

"Because these are the times I can say it and have your full attention."

"You always have my full attention." I smile warmingly (is that even a word? Lol) at him and he kisses me.

It gets quiet as we stare into each other eyes like always but this time, nothing but the feeling of butterflies fills my emotions.

"What time is it?"

"It must be around 10-ish."

"I'm hungry." I simply state earning a nod of agreement.

"Want to go out to eat?" Cam suggests.

"Sure, but what the heck would be open at this time of night?"

"The diner is always open?"

"Oooo! How about we grab something to eat from the diner then head out to the beach."

"A walk in the dark?" I watch as he scrunches his nose in a cute way, causing me to giggle.

"Yeah! It'll be great. Just no tossing me in the water this time!" I laugh and rub my hand along his bare chest.

"Agreed. I don't want my princess getting sick." He laughs and kisses me.

I sit up in my bed, still naked, and walk over to my closet. I feel the odd feeling of Cameron's piercing stare into my back but then I realise it's probably a stare at my naked ass.

I turn around and laugh.

"Stop looking at me!"

"No! You have the sexiest ass. I can't take my eyes off it."

"No Cameron... just no...." I laugh and turn back around, quickly finding some clothes. I change into them as Cameron heads into my bathroom to take a shower.

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