Chapter 32- Bad Dreams

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This is gonna be a really short chapter but it's so fricken adorable! Enjoy! :)



I wake up in the middle of the night out of a bad dream. I sit up straight, at the thought of what was going on in the dream. It was about everyone in the house leaving one day without saying a word. They just leave me. I couldn't even call anyone. I literally had no one. Yes it seems stupid but it was severely scary. I can't express how horrible that would be. I can't survive completely alone. My mom kicking me out of the house gave me a little taste of that and it was the worse experience I ever had. The more I think about it the more I'm starting to cry.

As hard as I tried, I couldn't go back to sleep. I couldn't even try. The dream has me so freaked out I can't stop silently crying so I get up out of my bed and sneak out of my room. It was still dark as ever out. If it wasn't for the window ceiling we have in the hallway, letting the moon light in, I wouldn't be able to see my hand in front of my face. I craved a hug right now. And it sucked, but no one could fulfill that urge but Cameron. I turned right into the back hallway and slowly and quietly opened his door at the end of his hallway just enough to sneak my petite shape through it. I start tip toeing up the spiral staircase. I get to the top and see Cameron sleeping in his bed. I don't make a sound as I lift up the covers and slip one leg in his bed at a time. Once I'm in, I wrap my arm around him. It felt really nice and comforting. He starts to move and turns around and faces me.

"Brittany? Why are you crying?" He whispers in a deep, sexy morning voice.

"I don't have anyone, Cam. I just need someone to hold me. I need a friend.... Just a friend." I make clear

"Okay." He says with no expression just wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer as we both fall asleep in each other's arms.


I thought she was with Matt...

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