Translate This!

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 It was a perfect day on the beach. Penny was sitting next to Sonic, with her favorite book in her hands.

"There's nothing like a lazy day at the beach." Sonic smiled. He turned over to the girl, surprised to see her reading the book she was reading yesterday.

"You still reading that book?" He smirked.

"Sonic, of course I'm still reading it!" Penny smirked back.

"Suit yourself." Sonic smirked.

"Fine. I'll go play volleyball with Sticks and Knuckles." Penny chuckled. She walked over to Sticks, who was smiling to herself after she caught the ball in her hands.

"It's nice to breathe that salty air and relax. For the first time, I feel nothing but stress-free."

"Hey, guys!" Tails's voice suddenly popped out of nowhere, scaring Sticks into a battle mode.

"Not stress-free, hu?" Penny joked.

"Shut up." Sticks playfully punched Penny lightly.

"I just perfected my most brilliant invention yet! Meet UT, the Universal Translator!" He pulled off the sheet that was covering his invention. The thing underneath the sheet was a small, yellow robot.

"Able to translate any universal language into our own!" Tails smiled brightly.

The rest of the gang just blinked, while Penny smiled brightly and moved closer to UT.

"How does it work?" The girl asked Tails.

Tails smiled. "At least someone appreciates my invention. Allow me to demonstrate!"

UT moved over to a bird's nest. Something blinked and whirred inside of him, and he turned around and translated the bird's thoughts.

"The fact that you pre-chew my food is repulsive." The robot translated.

"Hey-hey-hey, it works!" Knuckles smiled.

"Didn't see that coming." UT continued. Knuckles looked confused. "Uh... it's still talking." He said.

"I thought this thing just translated birds." UT continued once again.

"Since what you're saying doesn't need to be translated, UT is translating it into what you really MEAN!" Tails explained.

"Genius!" Penny grinned.

"I didn't attend for it to do that, but I will gladly accept full credit." UT continued. Tails frowned.

"That's great, Tails!" Amy smiled. UT moved over to her and proclaimed,

"Pretty lame."

Amy gulped nervously and stood up, defending herself. "That's not what I was thinking at all."

"Man, I am totally busted." UT continued.

"Tails?" Penny gulped. "I think it needs some more work." The robot moved over to her and translated, "That thing could cause a lot of trouble and get into my private thoughts!"

"Private thoughts, hu?" Sonic smirked at his young friend. "What's this about now?"

"A girl should have thoughts of her own, right?" Penny asked, full of challenge.

"If that thing doesn't shut its metal trap I think I might die." Penny looked over to Amy and saw that she was looking panicked.

"Wait, this thing reads minds?!" Sticks gasped.

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