Beyond the Valley of Cubots

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"Only a few more adjustments and the Auto Adjuster 3000 will be complete." Tails announced. He frowned at his machine. "Ugh, if only there were a machine to do this for me."

He reached for a tool, but his mouth dropped open when he saw that his tools weren't in their proper place. "Huh? Where's my shifting spanner?"

He glanced at the shelves where he kept his tools and his mouth dropped open. "My babies!"

"Welcome to my world." Lady Walrus said, appearing out of nowhere. She glanced out the door and her eyes widened to see Chumly hanging on a branch. "My baby!" She cried, running out the door. Tails shook his head and quickly turned on his communicator. "Sonic! Penny! It's urgent. Get over here!"

Sonic zoomed in, with Penny in his arms. "What's up, Tails?" The human girl asked worriedly.

"What took you two so long?!" Tails asked. "Some of my stuff's gone missing!"

"Did you check under there?" Sonic asked with a snicker. Penny burst into giggles, and she glanced at Tails, hoping that he would laugh. But all he said was,

"Under where?" Tails asked, causing Penny and Sonic to burst into laughter again. Tails continued. "There's only one person evil enough to do this: Eggman!"

Realizing Sonic's joke, he too started laughing. "Oh, underwear. I get it."

"Pretty funny, isn't it?" Penny giggled.


Sonic, Penny, and Tails barged into Eggman's layer, and Sonic dashed through the door to Eggman's living room. Eggman scowled at them. "Aw... I just repaired that door from the last time you broke it down!. You can't just buy evil lair doors at the corner store, you know. It's a special order!"

"Hey! What did you do with Tails' tools?" Penny demanded.

"Tails' tools are missing? So are mine. They're getting braver."

"Who is?" Sonic asked.

"Eh... Never you mind. Get out of here." Eggman said, waving them out. "Scoot. I'll bill you for the door."

"Fine," Penny grumbled. She, Sonic, and Tails turned around and exited the layer. Sonic glanced down at the two. "I don't think Eggman is behind this. So I've come up with a foolproof plan to catch the real thief."

Soon, the three met in the forest, and Sonic placed a trap in the woods. He made a rabbit trap and placed a screwdriver in the center of the rope. Sonic returned to Tails and Penny, holding the end of the rope in his hand with a smirk.

"That's your plan?!" Tails asked.

"What?!" Sonic asked. "This is how you catch stuff. Haven't you ever watched TV before?"


Eggman ran around his layer, searching for his tools. Eggman shook his head when he found nothing. " My worst nightmare has come true."

"The one where you're speaking in front of a conference of robots and you realize you're standing in a puddle of your own oil?" Orbot suggested.

"And then you wake up and find out you oil the bed?" Cubot added.

"I didn't want to say anything in front of that blue pineapple, but there's a band of renegade robots out there watching my every move, plotting against me. I bet they're behind the burglaries." Eggman grumbled thoughtfully. Cubot glanced at Orbot and signed crazy in sign language, rolling his finger by his head in a circle.

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