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"You ready to head out?" Sonic smiled at Penny, offering his hand to the girl. Penny smiled at him. "Ready as I'll ever be," she said, grabbing his hand.

The two stepped out onto the porch, but before the two could even walk out, Sonic started sniffing the air, and his eyes trailed down to a basket of cookies on the ground. Sonic smiled, picking one up. "Wow, cookies! Hope this one turns out a lot better than the last time someone placed baked goods on my doorstep,"

"You mean that time Knuckles "surprised" birthday cake and it was all awkward after he popped out of the head of it and stuff?" Penny snickered, remembering the time. Knuckles and Sonic had this awkward staring moment, and Knuckles had sighed, saying, "Awkward?"

Sonic had stared at him blankly. "Awkward."

Penny giggled as she remembered Knuckles muttering, "This will be another minute."

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Yeah, these will be better."

However, before Sonic could place the cookie in his mouth, his communicator blinked. "Hey, Sonic, Penny, are you there?" Tails called. "I could use some help."

"Is it urgent, Tails?" Sonic sighed, glancing at his cookie. "I'm sort of in the middle of something here."

"Ummm, yeah?"

"There seemed to be some racket going on back in his shop," Penny said. "I think we should check it out. The cookies can wait." She sighed. "I just hope Tails' vacuum didn't go haywire again..."

Sonic nodded, sighing. "You're right." He scooped her up in his arms and zoomed off. "Let's help him."

The next thing she knew, Penny found herself trying to tame a wild vacuum. She and Tails hid behind Sonic as Sonic held a chair, trying to fend off the bot. "Back! Back, I say!"

Tails and Penny screamed.

Penny gasped, quickly running away. However, that sudden movement caused the vacuum to notice her and trap her. "SONIC! TAILS!" She screamed, reaching out to her friends. Sonic and Tails quickly grabbed her hands, and they finally got her free, but the force slammed the three friends into the wall.

Penny let out a groan.

Having enough, Sonic ties the vacuum up by the nozzle and it explodes, causing dust to fly everywhere. Tails grumbled. "Look at this mess!" He cried, motioning his hands around the now dust-covered room. "I just vacuumed!"

Penny giggled, and she, Tails, and Sonic walked back towards Sonic's shack. Sonic smiled at the cookie basket. "Wow, almost forgot...what the?!" He picked up the cookie. "There's only one left!"

"Oh well." Penny smiled. "I guess I could go for some pizza." She walked into the shack, allowing Sonic to enjoy his cookie. However, Tails stopped him. "Sonic! Don't eat that cookie!"

"Why?" Sonic asked.

"Well," Tails looked down sheepishly. "Chocolate Chunk is my favorite..."

"Fine." Sonic tossed the cookie to Tails. "I guess I'll go have some pizza with Penny." He walked off, leaving Tails to enjoy his snack. Tails popped the cookie in his mouth and smiled. "Mmm, chocolate chunk. Ooh! With a hint of cinnamon, and a touch of..."

Tails yelped, falling to the ground. After a few minutes of twitching, Tails raised his hand. "EVIL."


"I wonder what's keeping Sticks," Penny frowned, walking up to Sonic as he nuzzled in his hammock, watching some TV. More like flipping through random channels. "We were supposed to go treasure hunting today!"

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