The Meteor

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Penny and her friends were all sitting by a fire, eating marshmallows and smiling as they shared stories and sang songs. Tails, on the other hand, was smiling as he stared up at the sky.

Amy looked over at him and smiled. "Tails, what are you doing?" She asked him.

Tails smiled. "Just enjoying the beautiful meteor shower!" He answered.

Penny's shot up. "Meteor shower?!" She grinned. Tails smiled at Penny. "That's right, Penny!" He said. "And this one is extra colorful!"

They all looked up, and he was right about that. Colorful asteroids with flaming colors of pink, red, green, blue, and yellow were flying all around them. Penny smiled as she pulled her knees to her chest. It was beautiful, indeed.

Knuckles smiled brightly as he pointed up to a meteor. "Hey, that one is flying beautifully towards us!" He smiled.

Penny and the others all felt the ground rumble as the meteor landed not far from here. Tails stood up and smiled. "This could be a major find!" He announced. "We need to approach it with great care so that..." Sonic interrupted Tails by picking Penny up bridal style, and dashed off. "Race you!" He said. Penny squealed with surprise at the sudden movement.

Tails sighed, noticing that his friends left him behind. "Hey, wait for me!" He cried, dashing off the boulder and following the gang.

Sonic and Penny made it to the volcano first, the last sighting where the meteor had fallen in. Yup. There it was. It was a big and purple meteor, just sitting there in the middle of the volcano, and glowing. Sonic set Penny to her feet and did a little victory dance. "Ha! Penny and I are first!" He smiled. The two pals high fived each other.

"Think again, Sonic." Eggman growled.

"Eggman?!" Sonic asked in shock, getting into a protective stance in front of Penny.

"That's right." Eggman growled. "And as the intrepid explorer who discovered this regal rock, I hereby call dibs."

"What?!" Sonic looked angry. "You can't call dibs!"

"Sonic's right!" Penny said, standing next to Sonic, who smirked at her.

"Oh, so now you two don't respect my dibs?" Eggman frowned. "What's next? Are you going to allow cutsies? Flout the five second rule? Step on a crack with no regard for your mother's spinal column?"

Knuckles walked up and placed his hands on his hips, frowning at the blue hedgehog. "Not cool, Sonic!" He scolded.

"Of course I respect dibs!" Sonic said, standing up for himself. "But you can only call dibs if you're touching the thing you desire to dibs!"

"Oooo, touché!" Penny grinned at Sonic. The girl turned to Eggman. "He's right, you know."

"Oh! In that case...." Eggman flew his mobile to the ground, and made a dash for the meteor. But Sonic was faster. Sonic and Eggman touched the meteor at the same time....

"DIBS!!" They yelled.....

........and a huge explosion appeared, and Sonic and Eggman fell down, unconscious.


Sonic groaned as he opened his eyes. Where was he? He had no idea. He groaned in pain. He looked around to find himself in Eggman's layer. "What am I doing in Eggman's layer?" He asked. He looked over at a mirror and nearly flipped when he thought he saw Eggman. "EGGMAN!" Sonic growled. He took a dashing run to the mirror, but crashed to the ground instead. "Ugh." He groaned in pain. "What the..." He asked. He then realized something.

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