Robots from the Sky Part One

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"What a great turnout for our charity car wash! That new daycare center will be funded in no time!" Amy grinned as she, Penny, and the rest of the gang cleaned Dave's car.

"What's wrong with the old daycare center?" Old Monkey asked, motioning his hand to Chumley in a cage.

"Uh..." Penny stuttered nervously.

"It could stand to be updated." Amy said quickly.

Eggman ran up, looking angry. "Hey! You jerks robbed me blind. I must have had a couple of bucks in my change holder and now there's just a few stray coins. Figured you could leave two behind and old Eggman wouldn't notice! Well, I notice, bucko!" He yelled in Penny's face.

"I...we didn't.. steal.." Penny stuttered nervously.

Noticing the situation, Sonic frowned, getting in between Penny and Eggman. "Slow your roll, cue-ball. We didn't take anything."

Penny glanced over Sonic's shoulder to see a ship fall in the distance.

" I could've bought something off Meh Burger's "Just a Buck Menu" with that money, like a half-handful of fries, or a symbol of jelly." Eggman sneered.

An explosion sound was heard.

"Woah. What was that?" Sonic asked.

"Don't try to change the subject, you change thieves." Eggman hissed. "Robots, attack!"

And just like that, a battle was formed.


"You OK there Bolts? Status report!" A robot cried as he climbed out of his ship. He glanced down at his friend.

"Well, I made it in one piece." Bolts told his friend. He held out his arm, which fell off. "Eh, roughly." He muttered, reattatching his arm.

Hearing a noise, Bolts and Mighton ran towards the action.


Tails and Knuckles celebrated as they destroyed a robot.

"You mangy marmots are a miserable menace. Gah! You got me so angry and agitated, I'm alliterating....." Eggman scowled angrily.


Mighton frowned as he watched the scene. "Those carbon-based lunatics are destroying out robot brethrens!"

Bolts stopped him. "Let's not be hasty. We don't have all the facts."

They watched as Sonic kicked a robot. "Nothing's more fun than turning your robots into scrapheaps."

Sonic yelped as Mighton's arm struck him, and he smirked at Eggman. "Stepping up your game, huh, Egghead?"

Eggman stuttered, looking startled. "Yeah, sure. Uh, this here's is what's-its-face, and that's, eh, whose-it-bot!"

Bolts fired at Dave's car, causing it to go haywire.

"Time to wrap this up!" Mighton hissed. He shot his arm at Penny, and Sonic quickly grabbed her in his arms and dodged it. However, Sonic slipped on a random bar of soap someone foolishly left on the ground. Penny let out a yelp as she and Sonic fell. Bolts strecthed his right hand on the car, wrapping around Sonic and the gang before pulling his arm back, leaving the gang trapped. Bolts regenerated his arm.

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