Don't Make Me Angry

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 Eggman frowned as he watched his past failures on the screen in his lair. "If I'm going to destroy Sonic once and for all, I'm gonna need physical abilities of my own."

"Uh, how are you going to do that, boss?" Cubot asked. "You're no bio technician!"

"I'm looking for some books on bio technology." Eggman told Fastidious Beaver in the library. Fastidious glanced up from his laptop after scanning Eggman's card with a frown. "Actually, according to our records, your library card has been revoked. It says here you never returned a copy of, "Savage Passions, Wakkayanna Heat."

The people in the library let out snorts of laughter.

Eggman narrowed his eyes. "That's preposterous! I've never heard of that book! Even if I had read it, who would believe that Eloise would leave one Pablo for a mysterious billionaire?"

"Hey, mister!"

Eggman glanced down to see Beth giving him one of the sweetest smiles, holding out her card. "You can use my library card, I betcha!"

Eggman took the card and smiled. "Thanks, kid. People don't usually do nice things for me, not sure why." He turned to Fastidious and held the card up, laughing. "Hah! In your buck-tone face, BEAVER!"

Fastidious stared at him blankly.

After pulling some books down, Eggman frowned. "It's like a million types of mutations! And these textbooks aren't very helpful in the subject of which one you should intentionally inflict upon yourself."

"What's up, Sonic?"

Eggman turned around to see Sonic walking with Penny, the human girl noticing a frown on the hedgehog's face as he read his comic book. Sonic groaned. "Ah, great. Another "To be continued." If I had a comic I'd never end it like that." He tossed it at Eggman's table and walked off, followed close by Penny.

Eggman took the comic and read. "Bruce Bandicoot was just a timid scientist. Until a lab accident changed everything. Struck by absorbedly dangerous levels of purple rays, he became, the unenviable clunk!"

Eggman grinned, picking up the comic. "Finally, somebody put it in terms I can understand!"

At the lair...

Eggman finished the last repairs on his invention and turned to the bots. "I'm about to expose myself to dangerous purple rays. So stand back! I don't wanna share my awesome new powers with you losers!"

Orbot and Cubot shrunk back.

Eggman stood in front of the machine and pressed a button on his wrist controller. The machine fired purple rays at him, and Eggman cackled, waiting for the moment of power to arrive...

....but it never came.

Eggman narrowed his eyes. "I don't feel any different. Lousy piece of junk didn't work!" He ran up and banged the machine with his foot, grunting. He punched the machine a few times until his body started to change, and he turned into an adorable purple little creature of some sort.

The creature laughed and ran out the lair, followed closely by Orbot and Cubot.

Penny sat in a table at Meh Burger along with Sonic and friends, ordering lunch.

"One Meh Salad." Dave said in boredom, handing the team a plate of...

"Leaves." Penny mumbled, picking one up with her hand.

"That's just a plate of shredded ice burg lettuce." Amy said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Oh, sorry!" Dave said. "One premium Meh Salad."

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