Sleeping Giant

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It was a peaceful day for flying. Penny smiled as she breathed in the fresh air while riding in the backseat of Tails' plane as he flew.

Knuckles soon flew up next to them. "Dude. Dudette. What's up?" He asked.

"How can you be flying like that?" Tails asked surprised.

"Hah!" Knuckles laughed and pointed down to Sonic. "I'm Sonic powered!"

Penny looked down to see Sonic pulling Knuckles on a leach. She looked more closely and saw a parachute strapped to Knuckles.

Sonic smirked up at Knuckles. "Let's go for a big boy ride!" He zoomed ahead.

"YEAH!" Knuckles cheered happily. He laughed as Sonic's wild running caused Knuckles to smash into the boulders. Penny winced.

"This is fun!" Knuckles laughed. "It's only mildly damaging my kidneys!"

"Use your head on this one!" Sonic smirked, running up to a pile of rocks. Knuckles yelped in pain as he banged into the rock, and Sonic toppled to his back. "You know, in retrospect that might have been bad advice."

"I don't know what retrospect is, but it was bad advice here, too." Knuckles grumbled.

Hearing the sound of falling rocks, Penny looked from the plane to see a giant rock monster slowly emerging from the ground. The creature lifted its head and yawned, glancing at them.

Sonic glanced at the monster. "Huh, maybe it's a friendly gargantuan rock monster."

The monster let out an angry roar, sending Sonic and Knuckles falling. Sonic gulped, glancing back at the monster. "Nope. He's playing into the stereotype."

The monster smashed its hand towards Sonic, but Sonic quickly jumps away.

"Here we come!" Tails announced, flying his plane to help Sonic and Knuckles. The monster batted them away. "There we go!!" Penny yelled, clinging to the plane.

"Keep him busy, Sonic!" Knuckles said, running up. "I'll give you a hand with his feet with my head!"

Knuckles tried to do a headbutt on the monster, but that didn't do anything, but it did cause Knuckles to feel dizzy. Knuckles stumbled a little, muttering, "Yes, Grandma, I will have another gingersnap!"

The monster headed its way towards the city, with Sonic zooming around beside him. The monster kicks a boulder and sends it sailing towards Fastidious Beaver, who is hauling a crate of lemons. Sonic zooms towards him, getting Fastidious safely out of the way. The boulder crushes the cart of lemons, squeezing lemon juice everywhere. Some of it even made it into a bucket.

Sonic chuckled. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

"But, I already had the lemons!" Fastidious said.

"Sonic! Knuckles! What's going on?!" Sticks cried, running up to them along with Amy.

"A giant rock monster is laying waste to the countryside," Sonic smirked, pointing behind him.

"You mean, "a Granier Giganticus is laying waste to the countryside," Amy said, clearing up his messed up sentence.

"Yeah, thanks for clearing that up."

The Granier Giganticus moans, picking up a tree off the ground, throwing it at Sonic and the others. Thankfully, they got out of the way in time. It lands right-side-up, and a bunch of lemons falls on Fastidious Beaver.

"As previously noted: I already had the lemons." Fastidious sighed, glancing at the tree.

Hearing yelling, Sonic turns up to see Tails' plane crashing towards the ground. Penny had her eyes squeezed shut, clinging to the plane. Tails lands the plane, which is smoking. Tails sighs in relief. However, the plane falls into pieces and stops smoking.

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