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Sticks had just finished brushing her teeth. However, when she turned on the faucet, nothing happened.

Sticks frowned. "I'm sure there's a logical explaination... Someone is stealing all the water to sell it back to us!"

She angrily kicked the garbage can and stood on top of her table, glaring up at the heavens. "I'm onto you, you greedy draconian overlords, you will rue this day! And the next few days! And eventually, FOREVER!"


"So the water's been going on and off all day. Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? I hope the water department is doing something worthwhile with it. Like re rounding it to Doctor Eggman's bathtub. HA!"

Penny laughed along with Sonic and the rest of her friends. Their moment was interupted when Sticks ran in, her eyes wide. "I need to see the news!" She ran towards the TV and changed it to the Soar the Eagle news channel.

"It's the story everyone has been changing the channel to see! The grand opening of the Giant Scissor factory!"

"It is my honor to welcome the Giant scissor factory to our village!" The Mayor said on the TV, holding out a pair of ordinary siccors. He frowned as he tried to cut the ribbon, but to no avail.

Sticks frowned. "Why didn't they talk about the water crisis?"

"Maybe it's just a plumbing issue!" Tails said.

"Maybe that might be it." Penny nodded.

"Anything's possible, which is why I choose to believe it's an evil government plot!" Sticks hissed.

"Our elected officials are here to help us. They're smart, hardworking, no nonsense public servents with a passion for helping the common man." Amy said.

Mayor's office...

"Steady... one wrong move, and no discount corn for me! If only I had a smaller pair of scissors..." The Mayor frowned as he tried to cut the files with a bigger pair of siccors.

Sticks burst in, furious. "The people demand the truth!"

"And I demand bargins!"

"Forget about the coupons and pay attention to the water crisis!"

" It says "buy two, get one free". Does that mean one of the two is free? Or do I end up with three altogether?"

Sticks scowled. "I should've known Amy was settin' up a gilligant flip. I'm gonna find-"

" No no! Don't do another gilligan flip, those are really painful..." The mayor whimpered.

"..A crusading journalist to blow the lid off of this water scheme!" Sticks finnished, and the mayor let out a startled gasp.


"I've got an immportant news story! The water supply is being stolen!" Sticks said, walking up to Soar.

Soar glanced at her. ", why come to me?"

"Because you're a journalist!"

Soar stared at her.

"And AS a journalist, you're supposed to expose the truth! Be the voice of the people and do what's right!" Sticks said, trying to get him to help her.

Soar continued to stare at her.

Penny had noticed the whole thing, and she walked up to Soar's ear and whispered, "And you might get an award."

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