My Fair Sticksy

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 Amy looked excitedly at the meteor shower that was doing its daily attack. People everywhere were yelling in fright, waving their arms and running around. However, that didn't stop Amy's excitement. "Meteors are shooting stars!" She smiled. "We shouldn't be running... we should be making wishes!" She sighed, clasping her hands. "I wish for a pony!"

"Yeah, and I wish you'd take cover!" Sonic grabbed her hand and made a dash for it, with the rest of the team following them, ran underneath a shack-like shelter. Penny knew this wasn't going to hold them up for long, and she hoped that none of them will get hit by the meteor.

"How come your wish came true?" Amy frowned at the blue hedgehog, who smirked victoriously back at her.

"Should I use my meteor defense system?" Sticks asked. Tails and Penny turned to her. "You have a meteor defense system?" Penny asked.

"I have a defense system for all sorts of junk. Wild fires, floods, people trying to read my thoughts...."

"Yeah, let's use the meteor one!" Sonic said quickly. Penny giggled.

Sticks took aim of a meteor that was shooting towards them, and shot right at it, causing the meteor to explode into millions of pieces.

"The people trying to read my thoughts are the same, but with tin foil trim!" Sticks smiled.

Penny smirked back at her.



Penny and the others were all relaxing at Tails's shack. Sonic and Penny were at the counter, sharing a fruit drink. Penny once again had her favorite book in her hands, and she smiled contently as she drank out of her cup. Hearing foot steps, Penny smiled as she saw Sticks walk in, a letter in her hands. "Someone left this at my door." She said, holding it up.

"Yeah. The mailman did. It's a letter...." Sonic said flatly. Penny chuckled.

Sticks took a sniff of the letter and frowned. "A letter, hu? I don't know. Paper folded over itself? What's it hiding? WHAT'S IT HIDING?!"

Penny slapped her face a tiny bit. Amy took the paper from Sticks' hands, and when she read it, her face brightened. "Sticks! You've been nominated for an Awardy Award!"

"They really need a better name for that." Tails said sarcastically.

"Oh, let me see!" Knuckles took the letter from Amy and put on a pair of reading glasses. He frowned. "Wait. I can't read."

Penny looked at Knuckles. "Then how in the world do you pay your bills?!"

He shrugged, and Sonic groaned in annoyance. "Gimme that." He grabbed the paper and started reading the message. "In honor of saving our village, the mayor invites you to the Awardies. Hu. Conveniently you can bring your five closest palls."

Penny's brown eyes widened in excitement. An Award ceremony? This should be pretty interesting! What would it be like? Five closest friends, hu? That meant Penny, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Comedy Chip....

Wait. Comedy Chip? Where did he come from? Penny began to choke on her drink in surprise. Sonic noticed this and patted her back until she stopped coughing. Sonic turned over to Comedy Chip and said, "Sorry, Comedy Chip."

Comedy Chip sadly slunk out of the room.

"Now, where was I?" Sonic cleared his throat. "The Awardies will be at the Mayor's mansion. You'll dine on, ooh, elegant foods and mingle with elegant guests! After which, the Awardy Awards will be awarded to the winner." Sonic stopped reading and turned to Sticks. "Which could be you." He smiled.

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