Guilt Trippin'

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Penny smirked as she rode on her hoverboards alongside Sonic and Tails. The three friends have decided to have a hoverboard race in the forest, so here they were, competing on who was the fastest racer. She laughed with excitement as she zoomed between Sonic and Tails, each one going through the original route of the forest. Sonic even did a loop-de-loop, though Penny just figured he was trying to show off for her.

"You may be faster on foot, but I invented these things!" Tails smirked, leaving Penny's side and zooming over Sonic.

"HEY!" Penny called, and soon the human girl flipped over Tails and Sonic and flew ahead, stunning them. Sonic smirked. "Not bad," he said. "My turn!" He did a twist in the air, but he wasn't looking where he was going. The blue hedgehog let out a grunt as he smashed into a tree and fell to the ground.

"SONIC!!" Penny yelped, hopping off her hoverboard and running up to the fallen hedgehog.

"I-I'm okay," Sonic groaned as Penny helped him up.

Tails flew over, his eyes wide. "Wow!" He gasped. "That was the coolest thing I 've ever seen!"

"Really?" Sonic asked.

"You look cool even when you make a complete fool of yourself!" Tails smirked.

Sonic chuckled and went to get his hoverboard when a voice stopped him.

"All right, load them up! Hurry up and nobody gets hurt!"

Penny looked up, frowning to see some types of goons robbing a poor village. Sonic frowned. "Whoa! We've gotta stop those jerks!" He said, zooming off.

Tails and Penny followed behind him.

"What's going on here?!" Sonic asked, frowning at the scene laid in front of them. The leader glanced at them, smiling. Though for some reason, that smile made Penny feel really uncomfortable.

"Oh, these delightful young men were just ransacking our poor village and taking all of our possessions!" The leader said, tossing a bag of coins in the robber's sack.

"They probably need it more than we do," A female said. "Being bandits living off the land and all."

"Yeah, so back off, blue guy!" One of the bandits sneered. "This is what we do!"

"Oh, yeah?" Sonic smirked. "Well, this is what WE do!"

And at that, the speedy blue hedgehog dashed towards the three bandits, tripping them in a back-to-back pile. Tails and Penny grabbed the vines from above and they both tossed them to Sonic. Sonic tied them up, and then tied them to a catapult.

The bandit grunted, glaring at Sonic. "This isn't over."

The catapult snapped, sending the trio flying through the air. "I SPOKE TOO SOON!!!!" The guy screamed.

The leader of the village smiled. "Thank you, strange travelers. You've saved us Gogobas from the scourge of the Weasel Bandits, and scattered our belongings carelessly in the dirt!" He motioned his hand at the ground, where the villager's belongings laid there.

Penny grumbled, crossing her arms. She was completely disliking them already.

"Sorry," Tails said, looking down sheepishly. "I'll help pick them up," The fox was about to pick up an object when a female Gogoba stopped him. "Oh, no," she said sweetly. "We don't want to trouble you. I'll do it myself." She leaned forward. "It probably won't cause my chronic back pain to flare up too much," She leaned forward a bit more, wincing to the pain coming from her back. The female Gogoba yelped in pain, her spine cracking.

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