Eggman the Videogame Part 2

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Shadow glared at Sonic. "Any last words, Sonic?"

Sonic grunted as he stood up. "Yeah. "Volcano Wonderpants!""

Shadow narrowed his eyes at the blue hedgehog in confusion. "What? That doesn't even make any--"

Sonic used that advantage to attack Shadow, and once again the two shared punch after punch.

Eggman giggled excitedly. "I'm gonna look totally awesome when I superimpose my character skin over this."

Shadow glared down at Sonic. "You have the reflexes of a panther."

"Is that an insult?" Sonic hummed in confusion. "I thought panthers were fast."

"Maybe compared to you."

Sonic growled and the two began fighting again. "And what about Penny!?" Sonic hissed at him. "What did she ever do to you?!"

Shadow ignored Sonic and hurled the blue hedgehog into a wall. Eggman grinned widely when he glanced at his footage. "This footage is even better than I imagined! I gotta go home and program it into my game."

He flew off, leaving Sonic and Shadow to fight. Sonic managed to strangle Shadow, and he glared at the dark hedgehog. "Why are you doing this, Shadow?!"

Shadow growled and kicked Sonic off him. "You'll pay for the things you said about me." And at that, Shadow smashed Sonic into a Meh Burger table.

Sonic groaned, glancing at Shadow in confusion. "You mean that stuff Eggman recorded? I didn't say anything bad."

Shadow stared at Sonic in confusion. "What are you implying?"

" I dunno. What are you inferring?"

"That Eggman manipulated that footage? To manipulate me?"

"Yeah, he'll do that."

Shadow growled. "I cannot allow Eggman to make a fool of me. He must pay for this!"

"Can't wait to see how the battle came out!" Eggman grinned, watching the footage he collected.


Eggman jumped. "What the?!"

The lair shook. Eggman turned on the spy system and saw Shadow banging on his door.

Orbot glanced at Eggman. "Your new teleportation guard is working wonderfully. But I fear your wall won't hold up much longer."

Shadow soon closed in on the camera and growled angrily at Eggman. "Eggman! Come out, you coward!"

Eggman gulped. "I think it would be best if I gave this Shadow guy some space. Orbot! Cubot! Stall him!"

Eggman ran off, and the next thing that happened, Shadow burst in and glared at Orbot and Cubot . "Where is he?!"

"Uh...where is who?" Cubot tried.

Completely fed up, Shadow broke them apart, leaving their heads on the floor and zoomed after Eggman.

Orbot sighed. "That could have gone better."

Eggman rushed into Mombot's house. "Steve, quick! Transform into me!"

"Uh, why?" Steve frowned.

Eggman said everything in a rush. "Long story short, Shadow's gonna tear me limb from limb. He's gonna rip out my spine and play it like a xylophone."

"I didn't know Shadow was so musically inclined. But tell you what, Brobotnik, why don't you use my interdimensional portal creators to hide out in another dimension?"

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