Inn Sanity

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"Hey, Tails. How's operation "make a big robot mess" coming along?" Sonic called to his buddy as he dodged a robot attack.

Tails answered him. " Not as well as operation "come up with better names for operations". I can't get the Unbolterizer to fire."

"Maybe something's stuck in it?" Penny suggested in the passenger's seat behind Tails. Tails frowned. "Possibly. I'll take a look."

Penny watched as Tails flew from his plane and up to the Unbolterizer. He banged it with his wrench and pulled out a chicken.

"How did that get there?" Penny raised her eyes.

Tails shrugged. He turned his attention back to the Unbolterizer and fired it at the robots, destroying them.

Eggman grumbled.

Sonic smirked at Eggman. "Love to stay and help clean up but we weren't the ones who tried to lure you into a trap." He hopped on the plane next to Penny, followed by Amy, Sticks, and Knuckles, and they flew off.

Later, Eggman grumbled as he awaited for the trashman to pick up his trash. "Look at all this trash! Those dunderheads were supposed to haul it off three weeks ago!"

He pulled out his bazooka and tried to fire at the trash, but Orbot quickly stopped him. "Sir, rather than taking us all out in a blaze of glory, might I suggest you contact the requisite government entities?"

Mayor's office....

Eggman angrily walked up to the Mayor. "My trash should've been collected three weeks ago!"

The mayor flipped through his papers and pulled one out, humming as he read it. He turned to Eggman. "Mm-hm. You're in luck. This is an election year. I'll take care of it immediately." He banged his fist on the table, and all of the pencils he was tossing up earlier fell to the ground.

Later, Eggman giggled to himself as he watched the trashmen collected his trash. " Eggman: one. Trash: Zero." He picked up a party kazoo and blew it, celebrating until a ox worker walked up. "Would you care to pay the fee now or by mail?"

Eggman angrily snatched the paper the ox was holding, read it, and glared at the ox. "This is highway robbery! Now I regret blowing the kazoo."

Eggman stomped off to the mayor's office. "You're charging me for trash collection? I thought the government was supposed to do things for free. That's why everyone else pays taxes."

The mayor glanced blankly at Eggman. "The amount of garbage you have this month was way above the limit! So you have to pay a one time fee. If you don't, I'll foreclose on your evil lair!"

At that, Eggman hurried home to find some cash lying around. He flipped through his cushions and scanned every corner. "There's got to be money around here somewhere. Maybe I can get a few bucks for my Particle Accelerator. Nah, but I can never part with that. I made it at summer camp."

" Might I suggest selling your Doomsday Device? You haven't used it since the beginning of season one." Orbot suggested, motioning his hand to the Doomsday Device.

Eggman waved that suggestion off. "No, I need to come up with a well-thought-out common-sense plan to raise the money I need." He grinned and stood up, an idea popping into his mind. "I know! I'll turn my evil lair into a resort hotel."

Orbot glanced at Eggman curiously. "And how are you going to find people who want a vacation in an evil lair?"

That question was answered soon when Orbot found himself on a stage, birds at their side. Cubot rang his bell and made the announcement. "Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up to see exotic birds designed to lure you into a sales pitch!"

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