Where Have All The Sonics Gone?

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Eggman stood outside his Mombot's house, holding a cake box in his hands, looking excited. "Mombot's gonna flip when she gets a load of this chocolate bombca!"

The door opened, and Mombot frowned at him. "You're late."

Eggman grinned sheepishly, holding out the box. "There was a line at the bakery. But I wanted to bring you a special treat!"

Mombot stared at him flatly. " You can put whatever it is next to the chocolate bombca your brother brought."

Eggman glanced at her in annoyance. "Mombot, Steve's not my brother! He's a robot shapeshifter built by me in alternate dimension. How is that so hard to understand?"

Mombot took the cake box and Eggman followed her inside. After a lovely snack, Morpho turned to Eggman. "Mombot tells me things are going pretty okay for you at the lair."

"Oh yeah, never better. I'm keeping busy, staying active, focusing all my energy on elaborate schemes to rid the world of that annoying blue pineapple..."

"I'll bet if we get rid of Sonic, the rest of the gang will totes fall apart."

" A-duh, Steve!"

"I told you to call me "Morpho"! You know, seeing how I can morph and junk?" He transformed himself into Vector, and then Metal Sonic, and then Shadow, and then himself, and back to himself.

Eggman glared at him. "Oh, now I get it, Steeeve!"

Now, that triggered an argument. Morpho and Eggman stood up and began slapping each other, and then Mombot came in, quickly parting the boys with her robotic arms and pining them to the wall. "Hey, hey, boys! Now you boys march outside this instant and start plotting the doom of your archenemy. Together!"

"Yes, Mombot..." Morpho and Eggman both sighed.

"Oh, Knuckles! I forgot to tell you one last rule for our race. Eat my dust!" Sonic sneered at the echidna, speeding off into the horizon.

Knuckles smirked. "Joke's on you, Sonic! I skipped lunch today." He quickly zoomed after Sonic.

Sonic sped in his Speedster until a portal popped up near the finish line. The hedgehog let out a yell as he zoomed through it, and the portal disappeared just as Knuckles came. He looked around in confusion. "Sonic's disappeared!" His confusion turned into a big grin. "That can only mean... I won! Whoo-hoo!"

Watching from a cliff, Morpho smirked. "Sonic is so gonna wig out when he lands in another dimension!"

Eggman glanced at Morpho with raised eyes. " But wait. Wasn't there a whole to-do once before when we learned if we had two of the same person in one dimension, it would cause a catastrophic anomaly that would destroy the entire universe? Or am I just making things up?"

" That's why I sent him to a dimension where no other Sonic exists."

"That sounds like paradise!"

"You mean, "this sounds like paradise," broseph! Because Sonic no longer exists here!"

Morpho and Eggman shared a laugh.

Sonic let out a yell as the portal opened again, and he zoomed into Main Street, quickly slamming on the brakes. When he skidded to a stop, the hedgehog glanced around with wide eyes. "Phew. A shortcut to Main Street hidden in the canyon? Sweet Easter egg."

He hopped out of his speedster and tossed his helmet in the car seat and walked around, until something caught his eye from above...a billboard with A! Knuckles on it.

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