Chili Dog Day Afternoon

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"Building takes teamwork, and a team needs a coach, and that's me!' Amy smiled, putting her hands to her hips. She turned to the group, who were busy working on the stage. "Sonic, hold that support strut horizontal."

"Since I'm the judge of this year's chili dog cookoff, I don't think I should help. I have to stay impartial." Sonic pointed out to her.

"No stage, no contest. No contest, no chili dogs to judge." Amy told him.

"Burn," Penny smirked at Sonic, who playfully glared at her. He turned to Tails and Knuckles. "Tails, Knuckles, get to it!"

Tails yelped as Knuckles smashed Amy's hammer and caused Sonic to fly towards Amy, who both collided into a tree. Amy sighed in annoyance. "I don't have time for this." She said, pushing Sonic off her. "I need Tails to prep the collar planks, and Knuckles to get the joist hangers, and Sticks to get more sticks."


Amy, Sonic, and Penny turned to face a completed stage.

"Well, what did you know?" Penny grinned.

"Thanks for keeping Amy busy so we could finish." Knuckles grinned at Sonic.

"Anything for a free chili dog." Sonic grinned back.

Amy frowned, walking up towards the stage. A banana seemed to be holding the stage. "What's that?" She asked. She grabbed for it.

"Don't!" Tails yelped. "That's a load-bearing banana."

Ignoring Tails, Amy pulled the banana out and the whole stage collapsed. She growled at her teammates. "Who builds with a banana?"

"Only a total dumb-dumb," Knuckles said, taking a bite out of a wooden plank. "Bananas give me splinters in my gums."

"You've got that all mixed up..." Penny shook her head with a giggle.

"That's it. I'll build the stage myself." Amy grumbled.

Soon, Amy smiled at a fully completed stage. "Ha! And that, my friends, is a stage." She turned around to find out that the rest of the team was gone. "Guys?!" She turned around to see that they were sitting at a Meh Burger table and talking about the contest.

"If you win, I'll wear the trophy upside down on my head like a hat for a year." The kitsune said with a smile.

"No way!" Knuckles pounded his hands on the table. "My trophy, my hat!"

"No, Knuckles, I think he's trying to..." Sonic began but paused when Knuckles stared at him. He sighed. "Ugh. Just wear the hat."

Dave walked up and placed a plate of six chili dogs. (six because Penny does NOT, and I repeat, NOT like chili.) Dave gave Penny her Meh Burger, and she thanked him with a grin.

Dave smirked at the rest of the team. "Eat 'em and weep, losers! I'm winning this year's cookoff with my super-secret chili recipe."

Sonic took a bite and turned to Dave. "Ketchup, wasabi, and chunks of expired pigeon meat."

"Lucky guess." Dave hissed. He took the plate and walked off.

Amy took her seat next to Sticks. "I finished the stage, praise me."

"Thanks, Amy," Sonic said.

"Thanks!" Tails grinned.

"Nice job!"

"MUCH better than the old one." Penny grinned.

"Can it be used as a flotation device in the event of a water landing?" Sticks asked.

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