Mech Suits Me

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Penny gasped as she ran through the forest, alongside Tails, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy. All of them were holding pugil sticks in their hands.

"It's gaining on us!" Sticks cried.

"What do we do?!" Penny gasped.

"Uh, this is getting too real, man!" Knuckles said, his eyes wide. Penny nodded, huffing as she did her best to keep up with her friends. She yelped as she ran into the group-they had stopped now and were staring around the forest. Spying some bushes rustling, Tails frowned, glancing at them. "What the heck was that?" Tails asked nervously, hugging the pugil stick close to him. He let out a scream as something pulled him into the bushes.

"It got Tails!" Amy gasped. "None of us are..." She let out a scream as she too was pulled into the bushes.

"AMY!" Penny screamed.

"We gotta get out of here!" Sticks said, grabbing Penny's hand. She, Penny, and Knuckles ran across the tree branch path. Penny yelped as Sonic landed right in front of the human girl, smirking. "Did you really think escape would be that easy?"

Penny tried attacking Sonic with her pugil stick, but the hedgehog was quick and kicked her aside. Knuckles attacked him next, but just like Penny, Sonic kicked Knuckles down, and the echidna yelled as he fell into the trees. Penny groaned as she picked herself up, watching Sticks and Sonic battle. To her horror, Sonic kicked Sticks off the tree branch, and Sticks fell off, screaming.

"STICKS!" Penny yelled. She gulped nervously when Sonic smirked at her, and then he jumped in victory. "Annnd the hedgehog takes the game!"

"That felt so real!" Penny grinned as Sonic helped her up. "You make a good Jungle Predator."

"Thanks," Sonic said. "Your defense moves are getting somewhat better, I just need to help you sharpen them."

Yes. After last night's episode with aiding Sticks to fight against the Dreamcaster, Sonic had finally found a reason to teach Penny a few basic fighting skills. And boy, was she thrilled!

When Amy and Knuckles and Tails walked up to them, Sonic grinned. "So who's gonna be the next Jungle Predator?"

"Last time I checked, it's Sticks' turn," Penny said. However, her eyes widened when she realized what happened to Sticks. "Sticks! Oh, no..." She ran to the edge of the tree branch trail and yelled for her best paranoid badger friend. "STICKS! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Down here!" Sticks called to her. "And you guys are gonna wanna check this out!"

"We're not falling for that." Amy frowned, crossing her arms. "It's the oldest trick in the Jungle Predator book."

"I've been meaning to read that book. How is it?" Sonic asked Amy, curiosity showing in his voice. Amy glanced at him. "Not as bad as the movie. Studios should stop recycling the same, tired, old properties, and make something original for once."

Penny, Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails glanced silently at Amy, feeling awkward.

"Uh...guys!" Sticks called up to them.

"Uh, right!" Penny called to Sticks. "We'll be right there!"


"I don't like this," Penny whimpered, hugging Sonic's arm as they walked through the dark cave. "I'm scared of the dark!"

"I have just the thing to fix it!" Tails reassured her, pressing his communicator. A second later, everyone's except Sticks' Luminous Suits started glowing. Especially the cave, much to Penny's amazement. She released her grip on Sonic and glanced around with an open mouth. There were many ancient scribbles on the walls, in the color of vivid purply pink color.

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