Robot Battle Royal

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Penny sat in between Sonic and Knuckles as she, Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy watched a movie together. When the movie was finished, Amy turned it off.

"What did you think?" Penny asked Sonic.

"I like that movie," Sonic told her. "But the beginning was kind of slow."

"Sonic, you just don't understand how movies and TV shows work," Amy said. "They always have They always have a little filler material before someone bursts in to get the real story started."

Just as Amy said it, Tails burst into the room, hiding something behind his back, a grin on his face. "You guys!" He said. "Check out my new invention!"

"What is it, Tails?" Penny asked curiously.

"A super-Antenna!" Tails exclaimed, holding out his invention. "It's so strong that when you hook it to a TV, it picks up broadcasts from the past!"

"Cool!" Penny grinned.

Tails turned on the TV.

"This hour of radio is sure to get your toes a-tapping. Brought to you by lead-based paint, and asbestos. The perfect combination for your baby's nursery."

"Can it play music from our childhood?" Amy asked.

"It will in about 80 years!" Tails answered.

Knuckles, Sonic, and Sticks groaned.

"Great job, Tails," Sonic said sarcastically.

"I think it's a useful invention!" Knuckles said.

"Thanks, Knuckles!" Tails said happily.

Knuckles stood up and grabbed the Antenna from the TV and started scratching his back with it. "It makes a great backscratcher!"

"Not bad, Knuckles!" Sticks snickered.

"Looks like there's another inventor in town!" Sonic said flatly.

"Knuckles!" Penny snapped, snatching the Antenna from him and giving it to Tails.



"Hey, fellow inventor!" Knuckles smiled, walking up to Tails, hiding something behind his back.

Tails turned to him, hammer in hand. "Knuckles. I'm kind of busy right now..."

"See that light switch over there?" Knuckles asked, pointing to a light switch. "It sure is far away, huh?"


"There's got to be a better way." Knuckles said, pulling out his invention, which was really a rock tied to a stick. "Now, there is! With "Remote 2000"." He moved his invention over to the light switch and started flicking it on and off, on and off. Knuckles turned to Tails with a smile. "Pretty sweet, huh?"

"It sure is...something," Tails said awkwardly.

"Yeah, well, now that I'm a bonafide inventor, I figured we can collaborate!" Knuckles grinned at Tails. "You can learn from me, and uh, who knows, I might even learn something from you."

"I doubt it," Tails said. "Inventing takes dedication. Tenacity, stick-to-itiveness, perseverance, a good thesaurus, and..."

"What's that?" Knuckles asked, pointing to Tails' fly swatter.

"Oh, that's my Fly Swatter. It homes in on insects and..."

"Neat. Can I invent that?"

"What? No, I already invented it. You're looking right at it."

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