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"Well, I finally got a cool place to lay my head every night. Plus, I get to eat all the berries I want!" Knuckles grinned at Penny and the rest of the team as they stood on the mountain together. He picked up a berry and popped it in his mouth.

Sticks frowned. "Eating strange berry is nice and all, but aren't you afraid of... Muckfoot!" She raised her arms.

When no one gave a reaction, Sticks looked surprised. "You guys don't know about Muckfoot?"

"Of course we do, but a little exposition never hurt anybody." Sonic said. Penny shifted to Sonic's side, a little uneasy.

Sticks grinned. "Legends says, he walks his very jungle. A swamp monster covered in vines, leaving behind mossy footprints wherever he roams."

"That's kind of creepy, actually." Penny said. "We won't run into one, will we?" She asked, glancing at Sonic uneasily.

Sonic smiled. "Don't worry. If any muckfoot-like creature pops up, I'll protect you." He said, grasping her in a hug.

"Thanks." Penny muttered, returning the hug.

"Well, I'm not gonna allow Sticks' superstitious ramblings to spoil my fun. Who wants to join me in a night of patiently watching the stars slowly creep across the sky?"

He turned around and saw that everyone was gone, leaving Knuckles alone with him. Tails sighed.


Tails sighed as he stared at the stars through his Tails-escope. "So no one finds my research interesting, huh? Well, if I discover a new star, I'm totally naming it after myself!"

The fox's ears twitched as he heard suspicious sounds coming from the bushes. He moved his telescope and saw something that looked like footprints on the ground. Tails gasped. "Mossy footprints!?" He looked up to see someone moving ahead and gasped. "Muckfoot is real?! I should've known he'd pop up when Sticks delivered that exposition. This is a major breakthrough! It's the missing link between animal and anthropomorphic animal!"

He began to set up his trap when Eggman popped up, scaring the kitsune. "AHH!"

"AAAH!!" Eggman screamed as well.

Tails calmed down. It was only Eggman wearing clown makeup. Tails glanced at Eggman suspiciously. "Eggman, why are you wearing clown makeup?"

"Why are you wearing clown makeup?!" Eggman retorted. The genius ran back into the woods, leaving Tails behind.

Having found nothing, Tails yawned and curled up on the ground. A second later, he heard his camera snap, and Tails jumped up and grabbed the pic. He gasped.

Next day...

"Today, I'm here to tell you, MUCKFOOT IS REAL!"

The little fox stood on the stage with an photo covered by a cloth. The villagers surrounded him.

When Tails finally pulled the cloth off after a few tugs, the audience let out a startled gasp to see a foggy character on the image.

"I always suspected that Muckfoot would be a blurry unintelligible mass." Old Monkey said.

Another citizen nodded. "That's all the proof I need."

The crowd cheered and carried Tails away, leaving Sticks eyeing the board with suspicious.


Pretty soon, everyone in the town was wearing Muckfoot merchandise. Soar the Eagle proudly stood in the middle, broadcasting the news as Tails received his metal. "Muckfoot Mania is sweeping the Village! It's all thanks to a discovery by Tails the Fox. He's no longer second banana."

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