How To Succeed In Evil Without Really Trying

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Sticks smiled as she picked beige berries. "No one at the pie festival will guess that beige berries are my secret ingredient!" She frowned. "Unless... one of these trees is a spy in disguise!"

She cautiously looked at the surrounding trees. "I'm on to you, tree!" She shrieked. "You'll never get the recipe! NEVER!!!"

Tails soon flew up in his mobile. He smiled at her. "Hey, Sticks! How's tricks? I see you're making beige berry pie!"

She winced and whispered to her basket of beige berries. "I don't know what he's talking about! I'm taking you live on a farm!" She turned back to Tails. "Now if you excuse me, I have a few trees left to pick." She walked off.

"Looks like you could use some help!" Tails smiled. "Be right back!"

He drove off back to his workshop.

Tails smiled as he lifted his mask. "Grab-claws connected to the trap-jaw! Trap-jaws connect to the scoop-maw! Scoop-maws connected to the positively-charged resistor-cuffing ion-matrix!" He sang. Tails turned on the iron-matrix and frowned. "Oops! Lot of trees means lot of "v's"!"

He walked over to some matrixes, frowning. He eventually turned to Sonic, who was playing volleyball with Penny. In the end, Penny frowned as he ended up playing against himself.

"YES!" He said.

Soon, Penny watched as Sonic stood on the exercise machine attached to Tails' invention. She frowned. "You sure about this Tails? You know how Sticks is about machines."

"Penny's right, bud," Sonic said, looking at Tails. "You should think this through."

" But this thing runs on natural energy: yours! It's better than going green, it's going blue!" Tails said.

"Say when!" Sonic said and started running. However, he went so fast that it caused Tails' machine to explode, covering Tails and Penny in soot.

"When..." Tails muttered dizzily.


Sticks let out a yelp as the ground rumbled, and she fell off the ladder she was standing on, and her berries she picked rolled everywhere. Her eyes widened to see a machine rolling towards her, and she hopped out of the way just in time. Tails walked to her, holding a remote and controlling the machine.

However, the machine started eating up the trees instead of collecting the berries, quite the opposite of what Tails had in mind. Tails panicked as he tried to control the machine, but soon enough, the machine had crushed every beige berry tree in its path, leaving an empty orchard.

Tails frowned. "Well, my work here is done," He said. He was about to walk off when Sticks grabbed him, pulling him back. She glared at him. "Your machine destroyed the orchard!" She hissed, pointing to the now-empty orchard with tree parts scattered everywhere.

"Could be worse," Tails smiled nervously. "At least you still have the berries!"

The machine spat out the berry juice onto the ground.

Sticks growled at Tails.

"What happened here?!" Penny gasped, running up with Amy, Knuckles, and Sonic. Sonic smirked at Penny. "Looks like Tails got himself into a jam!" He laughed, smirking at Knuckles. "Get it?" He asked, raising his hand.

"Not at all!" Knuckles smirked, high fiving Sonic. "But I never leave a hog hanging!"

Penny giggled, shaking her head at the two jokesters. She smiled at Sticks. "At least one tree is still standing!" She pointed to the only tree in the forest, and to her shock, the tree stood up and ran away.

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