Og Man Out

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"We've been digging all day! It's no fair! Ancient Mech suits seem to be spread all over the island like Easter eggs, but I can't even find one." Eggman complained as he watched his robots drill into the ground.

Orbot looked up at him. "Perhaps you should just build one yourself?"

Eggman shook his head childishly. "But then I'm building instead of you digging. Now dig, you dig?"


Eggman turned around to see Sonic and the gang standing there, ready for battle.

"I'm not bothering anybody, I'm just digging."

"Seems like he's telling the truth." Penny smirked at Sonic. Sonic smirked back. "Yeah. Seems pretty harmless."

"Harmless?!" Eggman snapped. "I'm the world's greatest supervillain! Robots, show them how harmless we are."

Penny let out a snort of laughter as two of the robots handed Eggman a flower. Eggman scowled. "Brainless robots don't understand my colorful repartee. I meant ATTACK!"

And once again, robots and Mobians clashed. Penny grunted as she dodged an arm slicing towards her. Tails destroyed the rest of the bots with his Enerbeam.

But not all of them. Eggman growled and pointed at Drill Bot. "Drill Bot," He demanded, "finish them!"

Drill Bot confronted Penny, and her eyes widened. She stood there, frozen in place as it raised its foot over her. Sonic quickly zoomed over and scooped her in his arms, dashing her away from danger once again. He turned his attention back to the bot and destroyed it in a single spin attack.

Cubot snickered. "Looks like he's been "disarmed"! Haha."

"First thing I'm doing when we get home is installing mute buttons."

Sonic, Penny, and the others celebrated, and they walked home.


It was the next day when weird things started going around town. Dave walked into his Meh Burger shop to notice that Meh Burger had been ransacked.

Dave gasped. "Sweet special sauce! We've been ransacked!"

"What's wrong?!" Penny asked, running in with Sonic. Sonic's eyes widened at the sight in front of him. "Whoa, what happened here? Looks like a wild animal got in."

Dave shook his head. "Nah. We run tests. Animals won't eat this stuff."

"I don't think a normal citizen would do this," Penny hummed, glancing around the broken restaurant. Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks ran up next, and Amy kneeled down to a slimy footprint on the ground.

"Look at this. It's some kind of footprint." Amy announced.

Sticks got to her hands and knees and started crawling over the prints, sniffing as she did. The rest of the team followed until they ran into the shopkeeper, who frowned at them. "Thank goodness you're here. Six hours too late."

"Well, we're here, now. So, what did they take?" Tails asked.

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" Penny asked worriedly.

The shopkeeper shook his head. "No," he told her. He turned to the rest of the team. "Not much. Just a couple of bandages, and my faith in humanity."

"No harm no foul," Sonic said, grabbing Penny's hand again. "Onward!"

Sticks continued sniffing until they reached Amy's house. Tails grinned at her. "Pretty impressive, Sticks. You were able to follow the scent all the way here."

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