Eggman Family Vacation

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Sonic snickered as held Penny tighter in his arms, trying to outrun a Garnier Giganticus. Sonic turned back and yelled mockingly, "Over here! Pretty close! Are you even trying?"

The stone giant grunted as he collided with a boulder.

Eggman scowled in annoyance. "You dunce! Can't you do anything right?"

Steve, who was actually posing with the stone giant, quickly transformed back into his normal self and glared at Eggman. "I'm doing the best I can, brother!"

"You're not my brother." Eggman snapped in annoyance. "You're my shape-shifting robot doppelganger from another dimension."

Steve glared angrily at Eggman. "Like I'd wanna be the brother of some pudge factory who can't even defeat a gerbil?"

The two growled and slapped at each other in annoyance.

After that failure, Eggman sat across from Steve at the dining table in Mombot's home. " I had the most failsafe of failsafeist plans, but this hammerhead still found a way to ruin it!"

Steve glared at him. "Next time, why don't you shape-shift into a giant rock monster? Oh wait. You can't."

The two "brothers" began slapping themselves out of frustration, and Mombot rolled up, annoyance on her face. "That is it! I will not have my two darling boys fighting!"

"Sorry, Mombot..." Eggman and Steve mumbled.

" Now I was saving this for your next victory." Mombot said. "But since that's not coming anytime soon, I've got a big surprise for you boys!"

"Breakfast for dinner?!" Eggman squealed.

Mombot frowned at him. "You just had dinner!" Her expression brightened. "I bought a timeshare in beautiful downtown Robokin."

" I can't wait to visit the Bottywood Walk of Fame. Think we'll see any stars?" Orbot asked as the family got ready for vacation.

Eggman scowled at him. "I can guarantee it if you don't stop annoying me!"

Watching from afar, Penny's eye brows raised. "What in the world is going on over there?"

"Sounds like Eggman's going on a vacation." Tails told her.

"Hmm. That makes sense with all the boxes lying around. Vacation." Penny grinned.

"Which means we finally get a break from old Baldy McNosehair." Sonic said. He shared a high five with Penny and the rest of the team cheered.

" We're right here, you know." Eggman grumbled, poking his head outside the rocket. He scoffed in annoyance and closed the door behind him, and the rocket took off.

Amy glanced at the gang. "So, what do you guys want to do?"

Sonic and Penny glanced at each other and then back at Amy, not sure what to say.

Amy sighed. "That was a rhetorical question. I've already drawn up an itinerary. First up: Nature walk!"

Everyone groaned.

"I miss Eggman!" Knuckles whined.

"Now that you mentioned it, I do to," Penny said, shaking her head.

Eggman glanced around the run down apartment they were staying in. Mombot grinned excitedly. "Here we are! Our luxury timeshare!"

"Well what do you know? The telemarketer who scammed you into buying a timeshare was loosey-goosey on the details." Eggman said sarcastically.

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