Mr. Eggman

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Eggman hummed to himself as he pushed his shopping cart along the aisle of the outside shopping center. "I love the DangerCo Deadly Equipment Warehouse! Look at this multipack of Ion Diffusers! I only need one, but it's such a bargain!"

He walked up to the cash register and the cashier nodded after checking the items out. "All right, I just need to see your credentials. You know you need a Doctorate in Evil Science to shop here."

"Yeah, last time I kinda sweet talked the guy. And by "sweet talk," I mean threatened his family." Eggman said.

"I know, it was me. But since then I've gotten divorced so your threats are meaningless. You're looking at a man with nothing left to lose."

Eggman sighed, turning to his robots. "All right, fine. Orbot, print out my transcript."

Orbot printed the sheet out and handed it to Eggman, who handed it to the clerk. The clerk read it and turned to Eggman. "According to this, you're two credits short of the graduation requirement. You're not a doctor!"

Eggman grumbled at him. "You know, for a guy with nothing left to lose, you sure care a lot about the ins and outs of academic bureaucracy. Let's go, knuckleheads. This other knucklehead doesn't want our business."

He walked off. What he didn't know was that Staci was standing there, listening to the whole thing. "Eggman's not a doctor?" She took out her cell phone and grinned. "I gotta spread the word... in song!"

The first person she called was Perci, her twin sister. "Hi, Perci."

"Hi, Staci."

"Here's the rumor, in good humor."

"Here's the tale, Walrus Male."

"Tell me all about Mr. Eggman."

Amy answered her phone, and it was Dave's mom. "Hi, Amy!"

"Hi, Dave's mom!"

"Here's the babble from the rabble!"

Amy grinned as she told the news to Soar. "Here's the word, anchor bird."

Amy, Perci, Staci, Penny, and Beth sang the next lines together. "He's no longer a doc."

"No way!" Sonic and Knuckles sang.

"His degree is a crock!"

"Oh, word!"

"He was once feared a lot!"

"Sort of."

"Now he's just a crackpot."

"Hello, Lady Walrus? This is Dave the Intern. Can I talk to your annoying kids?" Dave sang as he talked to Lady Walrus.

At Meh Burger, the song continued. Sonic, Tails, and Walrus Male sang, "Back to school, boy!"

Penny, Amy, Perci, Staci, and Beth all sang together. "Not a doc, not a doc!"

"You're a fool, boy!"

" Not a doc, not a doctor!"

"Academia can be cruel, boy!"

"Not a doc, not a doc, not a doc!"

"His whole life is a lie!"

"So true!"

"What a miserable guy!"

"So blue!"

"Everyone sing along!"

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