Multie Tails

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"All right, everybody, I've got something very special to share with you!" Tails announced.

At once, Sonic, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy put their hands over their eyes and chanted, "Please be ice cream, please be ice cream, please be ice cream!"

"No, guys, it's not ice cream." Penny giggled at their actions.

"Introducing, my latest invention!" He excitedly motioned his hands to a yellow object on the ground. Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks, minus Penny, moaned in disappointment.

"So help me, Tails, that better be an ice cream maker!" Knuckles grumbled, and Penny giggled again.

Hearing beeping, Penny looked up to see Eggman doing his daily attack, followed by an army of bees.

"Minions, attack!" Eggman ordered.

Sonic instantly got in front of the human girl, and he, Knuckles, Sticks, and Amy got into battle mode. Tails looked excited about this one attack, and Penny knew why. He was going to use his invention against Eggman.

"Perfect timing!" Tails said. "Behold, the cutting edge of defensive technology!" He stooped down towards his machine and pressed a button, and a blue laser shot up, creating a dome that covered the entire village. Eggman's bees shattered against the strong shield.

"I call it, the Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Hemisphere!"

Sonic and the others groaned.

"I-I mean, Domepocalypse?" Tails suggested, and everyone agreed with him, clapping.

Penny watched from below as Eggman fired his laser at the shield, but the laser just bounced off and smashed into his bees. "What is this?" He asked in annoyance. "Some sort of Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Hemisphere?"

Penny burst into fits of giggles, and Sonic smirked at her.

"No!" Tails smirked, motioning to his machine. "It's Domepocalypse!"

"Oh, good name!" Eggman shot back at him. "But it won't stop me! And by me I mean Obliterator Bot." He motioned his hand towards Obliterator bot, thinking the robot would easily break through the dome. Penny winced a little as an echoing bang was soon heard when Obliterator Bot landed on the dome, but soon sighed in relief when she watched Obliterator bot's sword shatter. Obliterator Bot then shot a laser, which directly hit Eggman's ship, sending the doctor sailing and screaming. Obliterator Bot tried to shoot a laser again, but this time he accidentally shot off his own head. He tumbled to the ground.

The villagers cheered at Eggman's defeat.


Soon, Penny, Sonic, Sticks, Amy, and Knuckles appeared at an award ceremony for Tails's success. The mayor smiled down at his citizens. "Thanks for the Domepocalypse, the village threat level has now been lowered from certain doom to probable doom! For that, we award Tails this Trophy of Power!"

Everyone, including Penny and her friends, cheered for Tails. Tails happily accepted the trophy. He stared at it for a moment. "Is this trophy from a youth basketball league?" He asked suspiciously. The mayor smiled at him. "Sorry, kid, it's all we had." The mayor said apologetically.

Tails turned to the crowd. "Thank you." He grinned. "Our village is now free from Eggman's tyranny. My full proof Domepocalypse has neutralized all air attacks forever!"

"Hooray for Tails!" An old monkey cheered.

"We're finally s-a-a-a-f-f-e-e!" A female goat said.

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