Battle of the Boy Bands

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"Breaking news!" Soar the Eagle announced. "An epidemic is sweeping across the globe. Beaver Fever!"

Sonic and his friends took a step back, along with the other villagers.

"I'm not talking about an actual disease, of course. I'm colorfully describing the mania surrounding teen singing sensation... Justin Beaver. Girls everywhere are going gaga over this teen heartthrob. They just can't get enough of him. And suddenly, "Dad the Anchorbird" isn't cool anymore. Well, maybe Justin Beaver will foot the bill for private school instead of buying those golf clubs he really wanted!"

"Just what the world needs." Sticks hissed as they walked off. "Another cookie-cutter pop star force-fed to us by the man!"

"I'm not a fan of pop music, there's no way I would fall for this guy," Penny said, agreeing with Sticks.

"You're right," Sonic said in agreement. "This "Beaver Fever" thing is clearly just a marketing ploy to sell sub-standard music to gullible teenage girls. Who could possibly fall for it?"

Just as he said it, Amy ran up to the group holding Justin Beaver merchandise, her face showing insane excitement. "Isn't Justin great?!" She asked in a rush. "When I listened to his first song, Girl, I Like You, I wasn't sure if Justin was actually talking about me. But then his next song was titled Yes, I'm Actually Talking About You, and I, like, totally freaked out!"

"How can you allow yourself to become a pawn of the corporate fat cats?" Sticks asked.

"You really should be careful on what you listen to, Amy, we don't know what this guy is putting in your head through these songs," Penny said, looking at Amy's overexcited form with worry.

"Before you judge, just listen to one track. I don't want to overhype it... BUT HE'S THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER WHO EVER LIVED!" She shrieked.

"Okay, that's scary," Penny said.

At Amy's, Penny soon found herself swept in the music, much to Sonic's surprise. What happened to not liking pop? Amy's radio played the song. "Girl, now it's time I told you about my serious condition. I can't stop thinking about you, have to call a physician."

Sonic glanced worriedly at Penny, who looked like she was freaking out with excitement. Sonic stood up and turned the music off. "Ugh. That was terrible!"

"I finally have a soundtrack for my nightmares," Knuckles moaned.

"I... love it!" Sticks said.

"ME TOO!" Penny squealed.

"I knew I could rely on Sticks and Penny to be the voice of reason!" Amy grinned wildly at the girls.

"We're through the looking glass here, people. White is black, and black is white." Tails warned.

"Wait until you hear the rest of the album!" Amy squealed, and she, Penny, and Sticks all started fangirling like crazy. Sonic glanced at Penny. "Pen, you still up for that hike tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," Penny said. She turned back to the girls and they started squealing.

Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails walked into Penny's bedroom the next day to pick her up for the hike. "Hello? Penny? You said you were..."

His mouth dropped open. What was once a room with ordinary designs was now filled with Justin Beaver posters, mugs, and Teeshirts.

"What happened in here?" Knuckles asked.

"I turned my room into a tribute for Justin!" Penny squealed, hopping up and down like a fangirl. Sonic frowned. "Oh... is that what's going on here?"

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