Flea-Ing From Trouble

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Fleas. The tiny little creatures that ruined our lives for a whole day.

"This is an outrage! How can you jack up the price of Choco Num-num Bars? They're the only kind I like!" Eggman scowled at the shopkeeper, holding out his favorite Choco Num-num bar.

The shopkeeper glanced at him unamused. "They're very popular, sir. It's basic supply and demand?"

" Well, I "demand"' you hand them over, or I'll "'supply"' you with a laser blast! Not my best wordplay, but you didn't give me much to work with." Eggman snapped. He grabbed the candy bar and made a run for it. But, just like always, Team Sonic stopped him from running away. Penny smirked, holding her bo staff threateningly.

Sonic glared at Eggman. "Drop the Num-Num, Eggman!"

"Oh, great, it's the fun police." Eggman said sarcastically. "It's the Fun Police. Let's see how you do against my largest creation yet! The tremendously terrifying... and cleverly named...HUGEBOT!"

Hearing a robot stomp their way, Penny and the gang turned to it. Penny's eyes widened with horror as it raised its foot in an attempt to crush them, and she squeezed her eyes. She felt Sonic throw himself on top of her, protecting her from the upcoming crush...

....but nothing happened.

Curious, Sonic and Penny glanced up and saw the foot was falling on them slow motion. Having enough, Sonic turned to Knuckles. "Knuckles, give me a boost."

Knuckles hurled Sonic at Hugebot, and Sonic destroyed it in a single spin-dash. The robot's head fell to the ground, and the gang cheered victoriously.

"Meh." Eggman grumbled.


"I keep building larger and larger robots to combat Sonic and his dopey friends." Eggman said as he paced around his layer, trying to think of a way to get Sonic and his friends out of his hair once and for all. He glanced at the images on the screen, re-watching his every defeat. He scowled at himself. "But all that got me are larger and larger scrap piles! And Hugebot was the most worthless of all!"

"Oh, that's not true, sir." Orbot said, standing up to his robotic friend.

Eggman growled angrily. "I guess you're right. You two are the most worthless! I need a new game plan. If going big isn't working--"

"You should go even bigger!" Cubot suggested.

"No, you dimwit! I need to go small! But you tried. That's what matters."

Later, Eggman stared at his newest invention through a magnifier. He grinned, pleased at the sight below him. "Using micro-nano technology, these FleaBots can turn the most hygienic foe into a bumbling itchy mess."

Eggman placed the fleabot in a bowl with a bunch of other Fleabots. Cubot was so excited that he pushed him out of the way. "Let me see!" Orbot tried to see as well, but he ended up knocking the bowl to the ground, and the fleas scattered everywhere.

"AHH!" Eggman cried. "My Fleabots!"

Orbot and Cubot immediately started a game of Tom and Jerry with the Fleabots, and only Eggman was able to call them back by pushing a button on his remote and summoning them to a new glass bowl. When they were collected, he turned to them. "Now, I need you two blank tapes to place these on Sonic and those cheesefaced chinchillas."

At Meh Burger....

Orbot and Cubot moved towards Penny and Sonic, trying to act casual. "Well, here we are at Meh Burger! Even though we don't eat food." Cubot said.

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