Three Men And My Baby

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Penny walked down the shopping center, buying art supplies she needed for a project. She ran into Lady Walrus. "Oof! Sorry, ma'am."

"Don't worry about it, honey." Lady Walrus said, smiling softly at the human girl as she tried to manage her wild baby, Chumley. "Chumley! What have I said about going out without shoes?!" She sighed at Chumley, who was running around barefooted.

Penny giggled. "He seems like a big handful."

Lady Walrus sighed. "You have no idea." She looked at Penny. "So, what plans do you have today?"

"Well, I just stopped at the art store to pick up some art supplies!" Penny grinned.

"You love art?" Lady Walrus smiled.

"Yes!" Penny smiled back. "Just wait until you see the project I'm working on..." She fumbled around in her bag to pull something out when the sound of an car rolling their way caused her to stop, and she turned around. Her eyes widened to see Knuckles riding the Monster Truck.

"KNUCKLES, LOOK OUT!" Sonic yelled, his eyes wide when he saw Lady Walrus and Penny in the way. Thinking quick, Penny grabbed Chumley in her arms and ran out of the way, accidentally leaving Lady Walrus behind. She watched with horror when she realized her mistake.

The Monster Truck steered away from Lady Walrus, much to Penny's relief, and she yelped as the truck slammed into a tree. Tails' eyes widened. "Whoa, that was lucky. Someone would've gotten hurt!"

On cue, the tree the monster truck crashed in quickly fell down on Lady Walrus, who screamed. Penny winced at the site, and Chumley cried, reaching out for his mom.


Penny angrily glared at Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails as they stood around Lady Walrus as the doctor examined her. Her children were also there as well, looking at their mom with worry.

Sonic sighed as he said his apology. "Again, our sincerest apologies. These pizza-related incidents are becoming all too common."

"Maybe it's about time we as a culture, banned restaurant-grade pizza ovens from cars altogether."

"Yeah, maybe." Penny snapped angrily.

Lady Walrus sighed. "Will I ever be able to walk into Meh Burger again?"

"Of course." The doctor said reassuringly.

"That's a shame." Lady Walrus sighed.

"But you're going to need some rest. No getting out of this bed for the next few days." The doc told her. Stratford, who was standing beside Penny, smiled at his mom. "I'll take care of you, mama."

Lady Walrus smiled at her son. "Thank you, Stratford, but what about little Chumley? Who'll care for my baby!"

"Suddenly you're worried about your baby's safety?" Sonic sounded annoyed about this, and Penny smacked him. "OW! I I mean, I guess we could watch your kid for a little while. After all we saved the village on a weekly basis. How hard could it be to watch one baby?"

Chumley was crying. Dirty diapers littered the floor, and three uneasy boys glanced at Penny, who was trying to calm down Chumley. Penny glared at Sonic. "'How hard could it be to watch one baby,' you say?!"

"Well, I didn't know it would be this bad!" He snapped at her.

"Why would she trust us with a baby? We've dropped a tree on her!" Knuckles wailed.

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