Blue With Envy

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"I don't care what anyone says. Meh Burgers has the best burgers!" Sonic smiled as he bit into his hamburger. He smiled as he swallowed. "It's like Mardi Gras in my mouth! Only no one is handing out beads."

Penny smiled. "I agree."

Something zoomed past them. Someone green, to be exact. When he stopped, he turned to the crowd, lifted up his green sunglasses, and gave the audience a wink.

The crowd gasped.

The newcomer pulled out his skateboard again.

"What's he going to do with that skateboard?" A monkey asked.

"I think he's gonna ride it!" An ox said, excitement written on his face.

The stranger smirked, shooting a thumbs up at the ox.

The crowd gasped in excitement.

"Whoa. Who is this guy?" Penny asked, turning around to watch the whole thing.

"What?!" Sonic said. "He's riding a skateboard! How is that impressive?"

Penny smiled as she watched the stranger ride his skateboard around Meh Burger, earning excited gasps.

"He's got serious street-wide style!" Knuckles said, shocked.

"He's jumping six inches off the ground!" Sonic said with an eye roll.

The stranger stopped, smiling at the crowd. "Radical Speed!"

The crowd cheered.

"That was AMAZING!" Penny gasped.

"Oh, for the love of..." Sonic began, but Tails interrupted. "WOW! Those were some sweet moves!" The kitsune smiled.

Radical Speed stopped in front of their table. "Thanks, bro," he said, crossing his arms.

"You hear that?!" Tails asked excitedly. "He called me bro!"

"Yeah, I heard," Sonic said, resting his head on his hand. "He's quite a wordsmith."

"It's Swifty!" The stranger said. "Swifty the Shrew!"

"Oh," Penny said. "I thought you said your name was Radical Speed. Swifty is a cooler name."

"Thanks, sis," Swifty smirked at her. Penny sighed happily, and Sonic scowled.

"I don't see what the fuss is about," Amy said, picking up her burger.

"You know what? I'm agreeing with you, Amy," Penny said. "He's just a shrew in gaudy clothes." And at that, she accidentally tossed her burger away.

"I got it!" Swifty zoomed over, catching the burger before it hit the ground. Penny gasped. "You...caught my burger!"

"Radical speed." Swifty smiled. He gave her a wink, wiggling his fingers over the burger. He handed the human girl the burger, and everyone watched as Penny took a bite out of it. She smiled. "Radical speed!" She repeated back, mouth full of burger.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Give me a break," he said. "I can feed people sandwiches! Watch." He stood up and shoved his half-eaten burger into Knuckles' mouth, and the Echidna glared at him. "Hey, lay off, man!"

"Help! My baby!" Lady Walrus cried, pointing to her baby who was climbing on top of a house.

"Someone needs to help that baby!" Tails said.

"Say no more, compadre brombigo!" Swifty said. He turned to Sonic and his friends. "Time for some..."

"Radical Speed!" Everyone except Sonic said.

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