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It was another fun day at the park. All seemed to be going well. The villagers were doing their own fun things, and Penny enjoyed her happy time training Bea. Sonic turned the radio up and started dancing to a tune while Sonic and friends played a soccer game.

"Wicked!" Knuckles grinned.

Sonic nodded. "Man, I love playing soccer at the rec center, and keeping the beat, yo!"

"I just love playing with my pet!" Penny grinned. "This park is the best place to do so!" She noticed the mayor at the corner of her eye and frowned. "Hey, is that the mayor?"

The rest of the team turned to see the Mayor post something, and they read it, and Sonic's eyes widened. "The rec center's closing forever?"

Fink turned to them. " The funding was pulled 'cause the city needs another houseboat."

Amy's eyes widened. " You can't close the rec center! What about the disenfranchised youth?"

"Yeah!" Knuckles added. "Where will they enfranchise themselves?"

Fink shrugged. "Eh! You win some, you lose some."

At Meh Burger, Penny and the others seemed to be sharing the same depression about the re center being closed. Amy glanced at the team. "We've got to fight City Hall."

Knuckles growled, clenching his fists. "I'll fight any building if it'll save the rec center.

Amy glanced at him. " A better approach might be to gather signatures and petition the government for redress of our grievances."

"I actually agree with Amy," Penny said, feeding Bea a bolt.

"I don't know what that is, but I wanna fight it, too!" Knuckles said.

"Let's print out a petition and hit the streets!" Tails suggested.

"That's good too!" Penny said.

"OK. I'll hit the street, but after that no more fighting. I'm trying to go legit."

Later, the group met up again, and Sonic zoomed up, holding a petition with excitement on his face. "I got another 30% of the village. Two more people signed!"

"Great job!" Penny grinned. "I've got the other 30%!"

Amy grinned and ran up to Wild Cat, holding up her petition. " Excuse me, sir. Are you registered to vote?"

Wild Cat frowned at her. "If I sign it will you leave me be?"

Amy frowned at him. "Well, yeah. After you sign it I don't need you anymore."

Wild Cat took it, signed it, and walked off.

Amy grinned. "That's how democracy is supposed to work."

Sonic and the rest of the team walked into the Mayor's office, handing him the petitions. Sonic grinned. "We did it, Mr. Mayor. We got organized in order to bring about meaningful change!"

"Fantastic!" Fink grinned. He took the papers and placed it in the paper shredder, much to Penny's horror.

"My petitions!" Penny cried.

When the last paper was shredded, Fink turned to them. "I needed confetti for the budget parade. As for the rec center, you're out of luck."

"Unbelievable..." Knuckles sighed.

Fink glared at them. "Did you really think it would be over so quickly? We're only two minutes into this thing."

The door opened, and Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot walked in wearing safety hats. Eggman walked up. "I'd like to buy the rec center. I'm gonna tear it down to build myself a rec center, just for me. And there's nothing you arrogant bunch of street kids can do about it!"

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