Chez Amy

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"One Meh Cheese Regal, hold the ordinary onions, so-so sauce on the side." Amy ordered.

"Here." Dave mumbled, putting a sandwich on the table. Much to Amy's annoyance, it was just two slices of bread with a live fish in it. She turned to Dave with a disgusted look. "This is a "Something's Fishy Sandwich"."


"It's not what I ordered."


Amy tried again. "And the head is still on it." She said, glancing at the fish. It flopped. Completely annoyed, she hissed at Dave. "And it's still ALIVE!"

"Fine!" Dave hissed, taking the order. He turned around but turned towards her, the same sandwich still on the plate. "Here."

Amy growled, turned and stomped away. Dave picked up a burger. "You want it to go?"

Penny giggled as she ran across the soccer field, kicking the ball until Sonic stole the ball from her and started playing against himself. Penny heaved a heavy sigh as she watched the hedgehog with crossed arms.

Sonic kicked the ball and it nearly slammed into Amy, who lifted up her hammer and luckily smashed it away from her before it done any injury.

Penny glanced at Amy curiously, and walked over. "Hey, Amy, what's that you're eating?"

"Just a homemade sandwich."

"Bad luck with Meh Burger again?"


"Hey, your Meh Burger looks weird."

At the sound of Sonic's voice, Penny and Amy glanced up to see the hedgehog glancing at Amy's sandwich curiously. Amy grumbled sarcastically. " It's not a stupid Meh Burger. I made this myself."

"So it's a me burger." Sonic said, and burst out laughing. "An AMY Burger!"

Penny and Amy glared at the blue hedgehog, and he cleared his throat. "See, I-I-I took the original name and did a clever twist on it, using your name."

Penny and Amy both glared at Sonic, and Amy muttered sarcastically. "Yeah, clever."

" I thought it was clever, Sonic." Tails pipped up.

"Don't patronize me." Sonic mumbled.

" Speaking of patronizing, let's go be customers at Meh Burger." Knuckles suggested.

Penny winced and turned to Amy, who was fuming. " Meh Burger is horrible! The people of this Unnamed village deserve better. I'm gonna open a restaurant with good service, a pleasant, inviting atmosphere—"

"And a moat? And laser turrets!?" Sticks asked enthusiastically.

"Um...not exactly." Penny told her.

"Amy, you don't know anything about running a restaurant." Sonic protested.

"If I let not knowing anything stop me from doing something, I'd never do everything." Knuckles added.

"I'm really gonna do it." Amy said, standing up and opening up her arms. "I'm opening a restaurant! Are you guys with me?!"

"Yes!" Penny grinned, playfully saluting the pink hedgehog. "You have my full respect, Amy Rose, Ma'am!"

Amy chuckled. "I told you to stop doing that, it's a little embarrassing."

"Sorry." Penny chuckled. "Couldn't help myself. Now let's see what the guys think." She and Amy glanced at Sonic and the others. After a moment, Tails pipped up. "Yeah...."

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