Return To The Buddy Buddy Temple of Doom

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Sonic was once again battling Charlie's mech suit, trying to free its captive, Penny. Charlie tried to punch but missed, and in the end Sonic beaten Charlie to a pulp. Sonic quickly pried the hand off of Penny, and after reassuring she was okay, he picked her up in his arms.

Eggman grumbled at that. "They call Sonic a hero because he can beat that guy? I could beat that nitwit with just one third of my robot army, but would anybody call me a hero. No... What I need is my own mech suit to show these plebeians how fragile their meaningless existence is."

Penny whimpered a little, and Sonic winced. "Dude, dark."

"Oh, sorry. Haven't had my morning coffee yet. I always get so cranky cranky."


"Look at this thing. Deflector shields, tractor beams, lasers, power windows. This is my ninth symphony."

Eggman hopped into his new robot and powered it. However, just as quick as it powered, it powered back down.

"No batteries? But I just charged this thing! I guess all these features are using too much juice. I bet those power windows put me over the top."

"May I suggest you simply remove some features?" Orbot suggested.

"May I suggest you simply remove your head?" Eggman said mockingly. He sighed.


Sonic, Amy, and Penny noticed that Eggman had been a little off. Amy frowned. "Eggman seems despondent."

"Probably has jury duty or something." Sonic hummed.

"Sonic, I think it's more than just jury duty." Penny said.

"Well, I'm gonna go talk to him." Amy said. She walked off.

Tails glanced at them. "Our dynamic with Eggman is very confusing."

"Ya think?" Penny asked.

"Really? 'Cause as far as I know, this is how grown men and tween animal people always interact." Sonic said.

Amy sat down on the opposite side of Eggman. The doctor looked seriously down. She gave him a concerned look. " What's wrong, Eggman?"

Eggman sighed. "Oh the usual. Built the best mech suit literally ever and can't find an awesome enough power source to handle it."

"Wish I could help you," Amy said. "but since you're probably building this thing to destroy us, I don't think helping is in my best interest. But maybe there's someone else you can talk to."

Eggman sighed. "Oh, like I'm just gonna run it to someone who understands the ups and downs of mech suit ownership?"

Amy stood up and walked off. Eggman turned to Charlie, who seemed to be having trouble lifting his burger with his mech claws. Instead of lifting it, it was crushed in his claws. Charlie sighed.

Eggman took his seat and asked Charlie what was bugging him. Charlie glanced at Eggman glumly. "I'm just sick of Sonic winning all the time."

"Tell me about it, broseff." Eggman said. "It's as if we're not allowed to win. Like there's a strict set of formulaic guidelines."

Charlie sighed. "And my mech suit would beat him every time if I could just get to the Tummel Crystal."


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